Originally submitted at Toys R Us

Protect your baby’s clothing with this Carter’s Keep-Me-Clean Bibs 3-Pack. With 3 different designs in pink, brown, and white, you’ll have one for every meal! The first has the text “Too cute to eat my veggies.” A second has elephants, and the third features colorful hearts…
The Only Bib for the Spitter or Dribbler
Pros: Compact, Absorbent, Waterproof, Durable, Portable
Cons: White oneshard to clean
Best Uses: Meals, Infants, Crawlers, Preemies
Describe Yourself: Parent of Two or More Children
Your darling little girl is a spitter–or a dribbler. Let’s face it: what infant isn’t? In your quest to keep from changing her clothes–and yours–with every feeding, you need a bib that is absorbent and waterproof!
You would think ‘Isn’t that what a bib does?’ . . . You would think! But not necessarily. Manufacturers sell products left and right labeled “bibs” that are neither absorbent nor waterproof. I can’t tell you how many times my childrens’ clothes have absorbed their dribble underneath their suedo-bibs. But it doesn’t have to be that way!
Enter Carter’s Keep-Me-Clean/Dribble-Happy waterproof bibs! They are designed to do what you would think a bib should do!
Register for a couple packs of these. After I started using them, I found our other (non-waterproof, non-absorbent) “bibs” never left the closet.