Mara loves the Curious George book where he makes “lather and more lather and MORE lather!” And she’s always asking for bubbles (in the kitchen sink or in her bath), so I thought she would LOVE a bubble bath. Tonight was her first one! And I’m learning that maybe she likes to live these things out vicariously through others in books, rather than experience their uncertainties in real life.
I started filling the tub and then went in her room to take off her clothes and change her diaper. When we came back, the entire tub was covered with bubbles! and instead of being super-excited as I had anticipated, she seemed troubled as I set her in the tub. “Where water go?” she asked. Then she swooshed the bubbles aside with her hand, and seeing the water still underneath, she said delightfully, “BOO, water!” It was really cute!
Then she was disturbed about the effect the bubbles were having on the toys. “Guck eyes!” she said sadly as she held up the duck (whose eyes were covered with bubbles).
“Well, help him out!” I said. “Rinse the bubbles off!” After that, she got so excited and she must have spent 45 minutes playing in the tub.
Today Mara had a PB&J sandwich for lunch (her favorite). She pointed at it and said, “Sandwich! Sandwich in Mara’s book.”
“Yes, you’re right! There is a sandwich in your book,” I agreed. In “Wings on Things,” there are two children eating sandwiches for a picnic lunch, while bees swarm around them.
Then she said emphatically: “Bees–in our house!”
“Bees?” I repeated. “In our house?”
“Yeah,” she insisted.
“Where are the bees?” I asked, still not convinced.
She pursed her lips and squinted, looking off to the side. Then suddenly her eyes lit up and she said, “GONE!”
I replied, “Well, they must be gone, because I certainly don’t see any bees in our house!”
At the time, it was pretty funny.
A friend from church came over for awhile this afternoon, and Mara of course wanted to entertain her. Mara put her Hello Kitty stickers up on the wall by the stairs and pointed at three of them. “M-O-B. Mara,” she stated.
This is always how she spells her name. I told Daniel, She thinks she’s part of the mob.
No matter how many times I say, “Mara. M-A-R-A.” She still repeats: “Mawa. M-O-B. Mawa.”
We had tortilla chips at dinner and Mara was munching on one beforehand. I was at the kitchen sink, and could see her reflection in the window pane.
She was headed straight to Micah in his walker, holding out the tortilla for her little brother.
I said firmly, “NO, Mara! Micah is not old enough for chips!”
So she looked at Micah and said, “No chips, Micah! No soup, Micah. ONLY Mara.”
She had tried to give Micah her sippy cup of milk earlier in the day, and I told her that Micah couldn’t have that kind of milk until after he turned one. So now, that’s what she tells him. “SOUP, Micah! Atter ber-day ONE!”
Little Micah, on the other hand, just kept eating! Today he ate a Gerber 1st Foods container of Peaches with oatmeal for breakfast; 2 ice cubes of peas with oatmeal for lunch; and 2 ice cubes each of sweet potatoes and bananas, as well as more oatmeal for dinner! And then he lowered his head down and began knawing on the high chair tray, as if I had fed him nothing all day! . . . He still looked ravenous, but I really couldn’t see feeding him more at that point!