“I Painted My Nails!”

Mara has been asking since Florida if we could paint her fingernails. As I was feeding Micah his lunch a few days ago, I heard her say, “Mommy, I painted my nails!”

I didn’t know how that was possible, since she was sitting in her highchair, eating a PBJ sandwich. But I should have known!

I glanced toward her highchair and witnessed intense concentration:MeticulouslyPaintingPBJNails

Sure enough, she had done it! If Mom doesn’t paint your nails, sometimes you just have to do it yourself!PBJNails2

Here’s the finished product. (Bleh!!!) PBJNails

I shouldn’t have been surprised. Last week she was face-painting with her peanut butter (see picture below). And when I asked ‘why,’ she said “Because Jocelyn painted her face!”PBJFacePainting

Yeah, Mara, Jocelyn painted her face, but there was an actual design, and she didn’t use peanut butter!

And I wonder why Daniel always asks:Where was her mother?!?!?!”

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