Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Grilled cheese sandwiches.

The kids love them! Mara dips hers in “dub-dup” (catsup). I’m not sure whether she really likes the sandwich–or just wants to lick off the catsup!

Micah loves most all food at this point in life. Although the thing he enjoyed most last night was tearing the sandwich apart and watching bits of bread “dangle” by strings of cheese. This made his day . . .

Welcome toooooooooo “Dinnertime With Kids, when your husband works late” . . . but, wait, it’s gets better!

I had to run upstairs during dinner, and when I came back, I heard Mara say very calmly, “Mommy? There’s something in my nose.”

I had her tilt her head back and could see nothing, as far up there as I could see . . .

“What’s in your nose?” I asked, since she so often lives in an imaginary world.

“Cheese,” she stated.

“Are you sure there is cheese in your nose?” I asked. “Because I don’t see any.”

“I put it there,” she said, once again very matter-of-factly.

At that point I too was sure she had cheese in her nose. Somewhere up there. I showed her how to “snort” and then I held the opposite nostril shut, and covered her mouth with my other hand, my mind going back to childhood days when my little sister put beads in her nose. She had survived beads. So I figured Mara would survive cheese.

I was hoping Mara would actually snort (instead of sniff and inhale the cheese into her lungs). Thankfully, she snorted!

And out it came–yes, a cheese booger!–about the size of my fingernail. GROSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!

As I’m racing toward the trashcan, Mara says, “Why you are throwing it away, Mommy?”

Dinnertime. With kids.

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