Recent Reality

Blogs often present the “perfect little world.” Well, here’s my reality.

I’m the mom . . .

  • Who had to add a pair of sunglasses to the shopping cart at Target today after my daughter broke off one of the legs (Thankfully the manager said we didn’t have to pay for them!)
  • Who rescued my 13-month-old son, who lay in a crying heap under the double stroller, which he had pulled over on top of himself, as it stood folded up in the living room
  • Who has been unable to sleep the past few nights because my crazy eczema has been out-of-control!
  • Whose daughter cried at the water park because (of all tragedies) she got wet!
  • Whose 13-month-old son climbs up the slide by himself now (So if you see me climbing up the slide? . . . Look for a little person in front of me! I’m chasing him).
  • Who was freaking out (a little) after my son’s head went underwater (5 times) during his bath last night (I was there on my knees next to the tub the entire time, scooping him up every time he slid into the water), and was rebuked by my 2yo daughter’s quiet yet earnest response: “I’m sorry, Mommy. Let’s pray about it.”
  • Who turned around after washing my hands in the bathroom to see the same little guy reaching down to splash in the pottyBigSlidePanic
  • Whose daughter seems to be potty trained, yet one day this week wet herself 4 times
  • Whose daughter threw her hairbow (that matched most of her outfits) in the grass at Far Away Park, in an apparent (unsuccessful) scheme to return to the park later that night
  • Who felt the instinctive motherly panic that I’ve often witnessed in other moms as my 2yo daughter ascended 11 steps to the top of the big slide . . . I promise, it seemed so much higher in real life . . .
  • Whose same daughter held up slide traffic at the park, as she stood on the ladder saying, “I’m not a baby, Mommy! I’m a big girl! That girl said I was a baby, but I’m not a baby. I wear underwear now, not diapers!”

Yep, that’s my reality . . .

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