Mara’s Reaction to The Announcement

Daniel said Mara wouldn’t understand–she is just too young. But I still wanted to tell her. I didn’t want my daughter to hear from someone else that we’re having a baby!

I told her: “Mara, Mommy is going to have another baby!”

She looked at me blankly and then said, “Can I throw the baby up in the air?” 🙁 Daniel was right. . .  She doesn’t get it. She’s “just too young.” I believe those were his exact words.

No, Mara, you cannot throw the baby up in the air.

Maybe she’ll be excited about the next one, I thought.


Saturday morning we were praying before eating our french toast, and Daniel prayed, “And please keep our littlest one safe.”

Mara asked, “Why Daddy says ‘please keep our littlest one safe’?”

Daddy said, “Because Mommy has a baby in her tummy.”

Mara’s eyes lit up. “Mommy has a baby in her tummy!”

“Yes,” Daddy added, “just like Aunt Sarah had a baby in her tummy for a long time, and then baby Sophia was born.”

I had to go upstairs to change Micah’s poopy diaper.

While I was upstairs, Mara asked, “Why Mommy has a baby in her tummy?”

And Daniel just told her, “You’ll understand when you’re older.”

Maybe she does get it!


Mara was playing in her room. She had both of her toy car seats out: Perkle Baby was in one, Pink Bear with Hearts was in the other.

Mara picked them both up, and said enthusiastically, “Now we will have Little Micah-man and Little Baby! Because I have a baby in my tummy!”

One thought on “Mara’s Reaction to The Announcement

  1. jan bunton says:

    Yes, she’ll understand someday. And she’ll be very excited for this new little one next year!

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