Monkey See, Monkey Do

Micah has begun imitating Mara. A lot.

Here she was drinking her sippy cup. So he drank out of his sippy cup.


Mara began shaking her sippy cup.


So Micah began shaking his sippy cup.


When Mara realized he was imitating her, she kept taking drinks, then stopping to shake up her cup–just to watch Micah do it.

Oh, and he is not actually standing. Mara is standing. Micah is leaning against the wall, which gives the visual impression that he’s doing the same thing as Mara . . .

Crazy little monkey! 🙂

4 thoughts on “Monkey See, Monkey Do

  1. Becky says:

    Wow, I can’t believe it!! A Strider Run Bike! The kids will absolutely love it!
    Susan, I’ll be sending you an e-mail right away.

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