Packing for a Week at the Beach

We’re packing the car Friday night and leaving on Saturday.

I really am packing just the bare essentials. The absolute necessities!

But I have a 2-1/2 year old. And a one-year-old. So “bare essentials” include . . .

  • Two pack n plays, sheets & blankets
  • Two booster seats, sippy cups, spoons & forks, bowls & plates
  • Still debating about strollers: Should I take the double jogger? or two small umbrella strollers? We’ll see how much room we have . . .
  • Beach chairs
  • Beach toys (and inside toys)
  • Lots of sunscreen, sunglasses, sunhats
  • A week’s worth of baby food for 1yo
  • A week’s worth of diapers for 1yo (I’ll need an extra suitcase just for those!)
  • A few diapers for 2yo at night and during naps
  • Swim diapers for both
  • Entertainment for a few hours in the car . . .
  • A week’s worth of clothing for 2yo and 1yo (times two, just in case they get their clothes so dirty they have to change once/day)
  • Oh, and nail polish! (I promised Mara we would paint her fingernails and toenails at the beach!)
  • And tons of snacks and juice

I think that’s it.

Oh, wait . . . that’s just the kids’ stuff . . .

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