
  • wheat tuh-ta-toes = sweet potatoes
  • bas-tet = basket (specifically, Baby Moses’ Basket)
  • am-i-lulls = animals
  • Vuh-Vone-Ah = Verona (our German Shepherd)
  • buh-ban-ah = banana
  • Mc-Sane = McCheyne (our Westie)
  • p’ay = pray
  • Tar-gick = Target
  • dippy dup = sippy cup
  • Happy Mal-len-ties Day to me! = Happy Valentines Day To Me! (basically means “congratulations” upon hearing anything exciting: we’re going to the park, she gets to watch Clifford, etc.)
  • ‘Lifford = Clifford
  • Emily Ah-lill-uh-bus = Emily Elizabeth (on Clifford)
  • Puh-teddy = spaghetti
  • Little ‘weeties = Mara and Micah (“Mommy’s little sweeties!”)

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