Mara recently observed, “Daddy has a bike. I have a bike. Now Mommy needs a bike!”
Actually Mara’s “bike” is a tricycle, and since the neighbors gave her the Dora tricycle, we now have two tricycles. When they first offered the trike, I thought, ‘No, thanks. We already have one.’ But then I realized, I suppose it’s good to have two, since we have two kids!
When Corban is here, it still works out because Mara likes to ride on the back of the trike, letting Corban do all the work.
Not to be outdone, Micah “runs” around the house, pushing the other trike, since he’s not yet big enough to sit on it and pedal.
They have fun “riding bikes.”
How cute! Sounds like you can have a lot of action around there!