I love thrift store shopping! Last week Daniel was watching Mara for about an hour, so I just had Micah with me. Thrift store shopping is much easier with one child, than two! I spent about $11 and found:
- A beach chair for Mara (I have been looking for one of these, since she loved using one at the lake, and we are going to spend a week at the shore in July. They were $10 at Target!)
- A pair of new Crocs-style shoes for Mara for this fall
- A Playskool boat (with people!!) for Micah
- 12-mo size navy blue shorts for Micah (For some reason, most of his 12-18M shorts seem to fall off, but I know he wears 12M in this brand.)
- A little wooden truck painted in primary colors for Micah’s room
- 3 unpainted 8×10 wooden frames for decorating Micah’s room (which I was looking for!! I will paint them red after my free quart of Glidden paint arrives in a few weeks!)
- A black bag with lime green trim to carry kid stuff in
Mara already found a use for her beach chair–making her “chores” easier. I suppose this reflects either laziness or genius, though I’m not sure which. (Daniel says there’s a fine line between the two.) She can now sit and sort the silverware coming out of the dishwasher, before she puts it away!
She still has to stand though when she puts the silverware away in the drawer.
Of course, Micah loved his new toy boat! He sat and played with it in the thrift store, and since we don’t have a lot of “boy” toys, I figured it was something especially for him. 🙂 He’s getting so big! He’s not a baby anymore . . . I love him, my little Micah-man!