Before bed I always ask Mara what she would like to pray about tonight. Usually she rehearses memories from the day. Usually happy ones. Occasionally sad ones.
This morning Daniel took Mara grocery shopping with him; he’s doing the grocery shopping for now, until the baby is farther along. Once he came home, he and Micah walked to Blockbuster to return a video. After lunch and the kids’ naps, Daniel took Mara to church with him. (I stayed home with Micah, since we’re trying to minimize my contractions.) After church, the kids watched the Eagles’ game with Daniel. So both kids (and Mara, especially) enjoyed a good amount of “Daddy time” today!
Tonight as she lay on her bed, I asked what she wanted to pray about. Instantly she replied, “Pray about Daddy,” with a blissful smile, in a voice that sounded like a pre-teen daydreaming about her latest crush.
“What about Daddy?” I asked.
“Heeee’s awwwwful,” she said. (Same voice.)
“He’s awful?”
“Yeah! . . . He’s awful! And he’s pretty cute!” she added.
“He’s awful and pretty cute?”
“Yeah!” Same dreamy voice.
“Do you mean he’s awful? or he’s awesome?” I asked, just to clarify.
“Yeah–he’s awwwesome!”
“Okay, we will thank God that Daddy took you with him to church and to go grocery shopping,” I said. “Should we pray about anything else?”
“No,” she replied, dreamily. “Just pray about Daddy.”