Over the past week and a half.
My brother and sister-in-law came a week before Thanksgiving, and stayed Wednesday through Thanksgiving Day.
My sister arrived a week later, and spent Wednesday through Saturday with us.
My sister-in-law was also home from college from Wednesday through Sunday.
My parents came in Thanksgiving Day and my mom is staying through December 8.
On Sunday after Thanksgiving, we had a reunion in New Jersey at the church where my dad was the pastor for 10 years (when I was 2 – 12 years old). I was able to revisit my childhood home for the first time in literally 20 years! Wow! What memories!! . . .
We went wedding dress shopping with my sister.
My dad did a TON of home improvement projects for us while he was here. Thank you, Dad!!
Daniel had about a week off work. (And Micah is now totally Daddy’s boy!)
Although he also got his first black eye, falling down the stairs, while Daddy was watching him during my doctor’s appointment . . .
Oh, I had another Ob appointment, and now they want to see me every two weeks because of the contractions. 🙁 Which might not be all bad, since tonight I had a couple hours of contractions 4-5 minutes apart. . . Thankfully, with two hours of rest, the contractions went back to normal.
All that to say . . . we’ve been busy! But there is plenty to blog about.
So stay tuned!