Today’s Mail

As a child, I loved it when the mail came. I had a penpal from Ohio and another penpal in Norway, as well as cousins and friends from places we used to live who wrote me. My “Best Earth Buddy” (aka B.E.B.) in New Jersey exchanged epistle-length letters with me on a regular basis throughout junior high and into high school. So it seems, whenever the mail arrived, there was always something “on the way.” I remember expectantly asking Mom or Dad, “Was there anything for me?”

In elementary school, I also loved signing up for “free” samples–it didn’t matter what it was–I collected UPC codes and circled receipts. . . My favorite was a free Detroit Pistons basketball. I wasn’t a Pistons fan. I just thought it would be cool to get a free basketball in the mail in exchange for the receipt for buying liquid dish soap.

I’m all grown up now, and our mail like yours is largely credit card offers, other advertising, and bills. As the USPS continues to shrink, I can’t help wondering if it will still be around by the time I have grandchildren. So for posterity, here’s an exciting mail day in 2012!

First, a hand-addressed thank-you note from the garage where we took both of our cars this weekend. I think that was a first! I have to say: I was impressed. I think we’ll be going back. It’s the little things you know.

Second, my new Crocs came! I was so excited! I have been waiting every day for these to arrive. They were on a great sale. Regularly $29.99, but on sale, just $17 and free shipping. My previous pair of Crocs lasted only one year–the year I was pregnant with David–and by the end of the pregnancy, one side of my right shoe was so worn down that I couldn’t wear them without getting a backache! I must pronate that direction, but I loved that pair of Crocs though–wore them constantly–and I’m hoping that maybe this pair will last longer, now that I’m not pregnant.

Along with the Crocs came a birthday present for Micah.  (A little background: My friend Donna gave Micah some green Crocs that used to be her son Beaux’s. Well, Micah loves those Crocs, and I’m hoping they will fit him all summer. He also recently “retired” a pair of light-up shoes that he absolutely loved.) When I was ordering my Crocs, I saw  a “light-up” Buzz Lightyear Jibbitz!  It was $3.39 with free shipping. At first I thought $3.39 for Jibbitz?! I won’t pay $3.39 for Jibbitz! But then [laugh if you will] I justified it, saying, I’m not just paying $3.39 for Jibbitz. I’m paying $3.39 to create light-up Buzz Lightyear shoes that Micah will wear till his toes are busting through or till they fall apart! (Put it that way, and it sounds to me like a great birthday present! Check them out: Do a search on the website on “light up” and you will find a couple of pages of options of Light up Jibbitz.)

I almost forgot it was in the package and when I pulled my Crocs, it fell out. Thankfully none of the kids noticed (although Mara asked numerous times what it was).

Last, my Good Cooks bakeware set from Proctor & Gamble’s Breast Cancer Awareness program arrived today. I was so excited!

Sometime late last fall, Shoprite offered a free pink Good Cooks bakeware set to those who bought two large packages of paper towels and mailed in the receipt from the purchase. I needed paper towels anyway, and it was Bounty, select-a-size, which we always buy. So I ordered the bakeware set.

I loved the pink tissue paper covering everything.–It felt like Christmas opening the package!  There was a set of 3 mixing bowls with lids (the lids being my favorite part, when I chill cookie dough, etc., I always wish there were a lid for the mixing bowl!), a set of 3 liquid measuring cups, a cookie sheet, a silicone cookie sheet/dough-rolling mat, and a spatula. The offer had also included a free oven mitt. But take a close look:

“Dear Valued Shopper,

“We hope you enjoy your Good Cooks’ Hope Line Pink bakeware set. Regrettably, we have experienced production issues on the pink glove and hope your will accept the enclosed $10 Prepaid card to replace the glove. Thank you for supporting Breast Cancer Awareness program by buying P&G products.”

Inside the envelope was a $10 Visa Debit Card!! Essentially, they gave me $10, in addition to the bakeware set! (Hmmm, I think I already know what I will use it for!)

My husband says, “They gave you $10? Well, thanks to you, there is less money than ever before going to actual breast cancer awareness.”

He knows how to make me feel guilty!

I’ll advertise to make up for it, I say. I’ll tell everyone I know that Proctor & Gamble sent me a pink bakeware set as part of their Breast Cancer awareness program.

So there. Now I’ve told everyone.

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