Breakfast with my 2-year-old son and 3-year-old daughter
Micah sits in his high chair, innocently eating his piece of toast–on a fork.
Mara: “Micah, you don’t use your fork with your toast. Your fork is for your egg.”
Micah: “Hee-HONK! Hee-HONK!”
Mara: “Micah, it’s Hee-haw, not ‘Hee-Honk.’ There’s no ‘honk.'”
Nothin’ gets past big sister!
Our three-year-old continues to ask deeper questions.
For instance she asked: “How do they make bacon for the stores?”
Me: “Bacon comes from a pig.”
Mara has a look that she gives me that says ‘I’m-so-confident-that’s-not-true-that-I’m-not-even-going-to-react-to-that-one.’
She gave me that look. And asked again, “No–how do they really make bacon?”
I told her it’s true. They kill the pigs and cut up the meat and take it to the store.
Still not fully convinced, she requested: “Show me a picture of the pig getting killed.”
I did. (This is the age of the internet.)
That pretty much ruined her breakfast.