Technology at the Table

One of my pet peeves is technology at the table.

Texting. Checking e-mail. Music on the iPhone. Even TV.

Seriously. It can wait. We’re eating dinner!

I know my mom felt that way (about TV, anyway–I mean, we’d never heard of e-mail or texting, much less iPhones when I was little!).

Is it just me? (and my mom?) or are all moms wired this way?

Dinner in my mind is family time, a chance for Mom and Dad to catch up with each other–and with the kids. How was Dad’s day at work? How was the family’s day at home? What did the kids do today? . . . And realistically, sometimes it’s just an “opportunity” for both parents to have a part in the feeding and discipline of the babies and toddlers, who are still very much works in progress . . .

So when I see this (and realize my son is only 16-months old), I’m thinking, “Wow, son!–We need to talk!”

Looks like a serious conversation

MicahPhone 043

“Hold that thought, Mom. I’m on the phone!”

MicahPhone 044

Micah at 15 months – Part 2

Micah had his 15-month checkup on Monday. He’s now 22 lbs., 10 ozs.–still in the 25th percentile for weight. Of course his head is still in the 95+ percentile, as always. Even in his final prenatal ultrasound, his head was measuring at 33 weeks, when his body was measuring 31 weeks. His head has always been disproportionately large.

But the news of the day is that he’s finally starting to catch up to the average in height! He’s now 31 inches tall, around the 45th percentile!

The pediatrician confirmed what we thought about his speech.  Basically, he had three questions:

1) Is he “babbling”? Oh, yes!

2) Are you concerned about potential hearing problems?  No.

3) Is he comprehending basic instructions or basic thoughts you say to him? Yes. (See Micah at 15 months – Part 1.)

If he is still not talking by age 2, the pediatrician would recommend a hearing test. If all is well with his hearing, our pediatrician would wait until age 3 before pursuing speech therapy. Boys tend to talk later than girls, and the main issues of concern at this age are hearing and comprehension. Talk to him. Read to him. Insist that he “ask” for things, rather than just giving him whatever he wants to be happy. Give him a chance to talk back.

On a somewhat-related note, Micah is still shy as ever. One story from this weekend’s retreat illustrates this quite well. I will say: This story will be the funniest to those who know both Randy (from church) and our little Micah–unfortunately, that’s only one or two of my readers–but I was laughing soo hard!

My shy little Micah was walking around the main room downstairs after breakfast on Sunday. I was still eating, but sitting only about four feet away from Micah. He walked toward the seat where Randy was sitting, and Randy said an enthusiastic “HI!” to Micah, who stood frozen, staring at Randy.

Micah’s lips puckered and then, after a long moment, began quivering. Half-jokingly, I guess, Randy then said, “I come in peace!”

I knew what would happen next.

Micah began weeping–sobbing, as if he were half-terrified and half-heartbroken.

Randy just looked at him and said, “You should really watch more Star Trek.”

I was dying laughing. I walked over to comfort my shy little Micah-man, who still stood there frozen in fright.

Someday. . . someday, he will grow out of this!!!

But I had a realization last week . . .

This was my little Micah, one year ago today.


One year ago today, he came off the AB monitor! And when I look at his life over the past few months, my heart is truly filled with gratitude to the Lord.

MicahLibertiRetreat 447

Here’s my little man this week!

How far he has come in one year! How different this summer has been than the last! How wonderful to have such simple concerns about our little guy, like “Will his head always be this much bigger than his body?” and “When will he learn to talk?”

Tonight I stumbled across Kaleigh Freeman’s website. . . A beautiful baby girl born June 23, 2008–just 19 days after Micah–weighing only 1 lb. 1 oz. Kaleigh had numerous surgeries and passed away following the surgery that was supposed to be the “final” surgery before she came home. Her parents’ blog chronicles her 11 months of life and their fight for joy in God in the midst of the struggles. Kaleigh didn’t make it to her first birthday, let alone 15 months . . . yes, I cried a lot reading this . . . Daniel keeps telling me I shouldn’t read about other preemies now that I’m pregnant again . . .

But all that to say, I was overwhelmed while reading Kaleigh’s story, with a sense of how gracious God was in allowing Micah to remain in the womb for 32 weeks. Overwhelmed with a sense of how undeserving we are to have the baby that spent only 23 days in the NICU, rather than his entire 11 months. Just overwhelmed by the frailty of life for all of us, and once again, I found a renewed sense of thanksgiving to God for life and breath . . . and for the privilege of caring for perfectly healthy 15-month-old Micah!

Thank you, God.

Preschool Activity Centers

I’m trying to become more structured before Little Boo comes along, so I’ve made a list of “activity centers” and fun activities (indoor and outdoor) to keep my preschoolers occupied. I figured we will not be getting out as much in the winter (during my 3rd trimester/delivery/adjusting to a new baby) so I am trying to plan ahead so Mara and Micah don’t get bored!

A lot of these activities are taken from a Gymboree’s book Toddler Play (the page numbers reference that book).

This is an ever-growing list, so I would love to receive comments and input from other moms to add to or enhance the activities listed!

Activity Centers Supervised/Unsupervised
Playdoh/clay Supervised
Watercolor Paint/Paint Book Supervised
Coloring w Crayons/Markers/Pencils Supervised
Finger Paints Supervised
Felt Board Stories, etc. Supervised
Trains!! Supervised
Playing with Dolls Supervised/Unsupervised
Puzzles Unsupervised
Dollhouse Unsupervised
Blocks Unsupervised
Daisy & Stacking Cups Unsupervised
Reading Books (Book Time!) Unsupervised
Legos Unsupervised
Shapes to Fit Unsupervised
Cars & Trucks (when he’s older) Unsupervised
Lincoln Logs (when he’s older) Unsupervised
Together Games Inside/Outside Gymboree
Unwrap the gift (favorite toys) Inside p.87
Plastic/Cardboard Tube w tennis balls (Where’d the ball go?) Inside p.96
Magnet fun on a cookie sheet! Inside p.103
Pony Rides Inside p. 111
Pretend “Aquarium” Inside p.117
Scarf Tricks (Throwing, catching) Inside p.118
Phone Fun (Practice talking on the phone with old/pretend phone) Inside p.119
Bean Bag Bowling Inside p.121
Playing Dress-Up (container of clothes/hats/scarves/shoes/boots) Inside p.124
Bathtime for BabyDoll/other doll play Inside p. 126, 142
Memory Game with Magic Cups Inside p.131
Purse Treasures (real stuff that’s ok to play with: old keys, mirror, notepad; wallet; etc.) Inside p.135
Feel & Guess what’s in the pillowcase?! Inside p.136
Matching shoes w their mates Inside p. 140
Wiffle balls threaded on rope between chairs Inside p.144
Flashlight Hide and Seek (objects) Inside p.149
Blindfolded: Guess the Scents?? Inside p.154
Cut & Glue Magazine Pics: Collages Inside p.161
Mimes/Acting: Tea party; Baking a cake; flying an airplane; cleaning house; galloping around on a horse Inside p. 164
Matching colors of cars/trucks on pieces of construction paper Inside p. 166
Dancing w Flying Streamers (Ribbons) Inside p. 170
Sorting shapes; balls & blocks mixed up Inside p. 175
Count and seek (3 or more similar items: cups, shoes, spoons/balls) Inside p. 176
MusicMakers (Plastic bottles w beans, rice, pennies,etc.) Inside p.67
Family Photo Fun (learning, remembering, praying for relatives) Inside p.70
Open Shut Them Inside p. 104
Puppets Inside p.107
Recording voices on the computer Inside p.58
Parachute/Blanket Play Inside
Walk/crawl the pillow course Inside p. 36
Music from the Kitchen Cabinet Inside p.44
Reading Books Inside
Plastic Jars: w interesting items Inside
Mirror Faces Inside p.60
Nesting games (Cups/Bowls/Etc.) Inside p.64
Parade (tie wheeled toys together; decorate w ribbons, streamers) Inside/Outside p.90
Baby Basketball (w bowl/laundry basket) Inside/Outside p.93
Walking on a balance beam (board) Inside/Outside p.106
Pretend “Train Trips” around house Inside/Outside p. 108
Throwing Balls into Water-filled Bowls Inside/Outside p. 145
Jumping & Landing on Target Inside/Outside p. 158
Paper megaphone: learning about tone, direction, volume of voice; amplifying silly songs; etc. Inside/Outside p. 169
Magnifying Glasses Inside/Outside p. 172
Sorting by size: 3 paper bags (S/M/L) and a big pile of leaves Inside/Outside p. 177
Help groom/feed the dogs Inside/Outside p.179
Imitating Animal Sounds/Actions Inside/Outside p. 180-1
Roll the ball/Beach Ball Toss Inside/Outside p. 24, 105
Hide and Seek Inside/Outside p.79
Talk About the Body (Where’s your nose? Etc.) Inside/Outside p.82
Nature Walk & Collage (Find feather, leaves, flowers, grass, sticks, stones, etc.) Outside p.85
Tree Walk/Talk (Leaves, trunks, roots, branches; creatures’ homes; acorns, leaves, pinecones, bark, etc) Outside p.101
Visit PetCo!!!! Find all the animals Outside
Blowing Bubbles Outside
Sand Play (Toys, kitchen utensils; garden tools) Outside

We Will Never Forget

Somehow it feels trite to blog about my kids on September 11. And yet, on the other hand, to not blog as usual feels like handing our enemies some sort of victory.

But the truth is that our country–and the world–as we knew it changed forever that day. I want to always always remember. I never want to come away unaffected or callous to the war that still rages . . .

So I take a moment to remember . . .

  • Those who died in the North Tower of the World Trade Center and American Airlines Flight 11.


  • Those who died in the South Tower and United Airlines Flight 175.
  • Those who died on board American Airlines Flight 77 and at the Pentagon.


  • Those heroes of United Airlines Flight 93.


  • The firefighters, policemen, and other workers who gave their lives in the rescue efforts
  • And to all those who live today having lost loved ones . . .

. . . we will never forget.

Hiding God’s Word in Their Hearts

In his article Why Memorize Scripture (which, by the way, you should definitely read), John Piper lists several reasons for memorizing Scripture:

  • Conformity to Christ
  • Daily triumph over Satan
  • Daily triumph over sin
  • Comfort and counsel for people you love
  • Communicating the Gospel to unbelievers
  • Communion with God in the enjoyment of His person and His ways

I’ve recently learned another reason for us stay-at-home moms to memorize Scripture ourselves by quoting it aloud several times a day:

  • We will be hiding God’s Word in our children’s hearts–without them even knowing it!

The kids and I were sitting at dinner. Daniel was working late. I was focused on feeding Micah, and Mara as usual was talking incessantly. She began muttering something quietly, and I didn’t pay close attention at first. So I only caught the last half.

She was saying, ” . . . workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Then she looked at me with a mischievous smile–as if to say, ‘Betcha didn’t know I knew that one, did you?’

She was quoting Ephesians 2:10–a verse I memorized almost a month and a half ago–and haven’t quoted since! It really amazed me–not that she was capable of memorizing (because she has memorized other verses). But this was one of my verses. I don’t think I ever heard her quote it while I was actually working on it!

God actually used my daughter to encourage me to keep memorizing Scripture! I need God’s Word, in my life. And hopefully, as I am faithful, my children too will reap all its benefits in the future as God takes His word and works it in their hearts as well!