Doing ‘Projex’

We saw these cute little flower and butterfly creations on the wall at Chick-Fil-A, so Mara and I made some together the other night while Micah and Daniel were watching a show.

Tonight she brought me this:


She wrote: “Dear Mommy, I {heart} U and I luv too doo projex wit you.”

At the bottom she drew a picture of “me and you making the butterfly and the flower together.”

I luv too doo projex wit her too!

Above All We Could Ask

We received a huge blessing this past weekend from freecycle!

I have been looking for some bookshelves to get three rooms more organized. I talked with my sister-in-law Sarah about it and she gave me some ideas for what to look for. I had just told Daniel that I’ve been looking on craigslist and freecycle for several months, not finding anything (that was either decent-quality or still available once I contacted the owner), thinking maybe we need to just go to IKEA and buy some. I actually prayed about it, because I really felt God could provide us bookshelves without IKEA if He wanted to but obviously sometimes He provides when we go to the store and buy what we need!

Well, on Thursday someone posted “2 desks, 3 bookshelves and a filing cabinet” on freecycle! and long story short, this is how God answered my prayers!

I wrote the lady about the bookshelves right away, thinking, “I’m sure they’re already taken.” (Such little faith! I had just asked God to provide these–and God could provide through freecycle if He chose!)

She sent pictures of the shelves & desk, which is kind of rare on freecycle, but so helpful in knowing whether you want to put out the time and effort to go pick something up. She and her husband had purchased the furniture eight years ago when they both were going to work from home. They no longer work from home and they needed to free up the space in their house.

The catch was they were giving preference to someone who would take “all or most of them together” since the furniture was matching. Almost without hesitating, Daniel agreed to do it. He said maybe we could use one desk and freecycle the other. I was a bit overwhelmed, still sick and feeling so weary, thinking of having all that furniture to deal with. (God, I only asked for bookshelves! 😉

Then as we stood there looking at the maze of furniture that was in our living room, we realized with homeschooling just around the corner, these quality 8-year-old “L”-shaped desks could be God providing for another need before we even asked! This could even solve the current daily situation with Mara and Micah coloring, drawing, doing “school” on the dining room table, while I’m preparing for lunch & dinner; this would give them a designated place just around the corner for these activities while I do meal prep!

Daniel was a huge help this weekend. We went through a couple different plans for how to set things up before we finally decided on the current arrangement. Then there was lots of moving furniture, sweeping/dusting, moving things in the basement, vacuuming. . . even that made me happy!

The people who gave us the furniture do have cats though, so for a couple of days Daniel, Carissa & I have been sneezing and our eyes have been itching like crazy. But I’m wiping everything down with a wet cloth, so hopefully that will remove most of the cat dander.

Without going into too much detail (or maybe I already have?!), we now have two matching desks, 3 bookshelves & a filing cabinet set up in the living room. The “L” parts (of both desks) are in the basement for when we need more desk space in the near future. We moved the bookshelves that we had in the living room to other rooms. And Daniel organized all his books on the shelves, so now they are set up the way he likes them.

The filing cabinet is meeting another need (once again, something that I didn’t ask for): helping me organize & file our paperwork! I used to be good at paperwork–when I was in the workforce, but here at home, I’m really slack. God knew my need, and I didn’t even ask!

We are getting a bunch of stuff cleaned and organized! There is still sooo much more work to do around here (trying not to think about that tonight!), but I can’t express how encouraged I was, first, that God provided as the Bible says, “exceeding abundantly above all we could ask or think!” and second, that we were able to re-organize the living room desks and shelves and get started organizing other rooms too.

Thank you, Lord, for providing more than what we asked!

A Daily Post

For several weeks (months actually) I’ve been trying to get back into blogging.Trouble is: I’m a perfectionist and at this stage of life, I really don’t have time for perfectionist posting.

Since one of the main goals of this blog is to journal our family life, I’ve decided I need to start writing a quick post each day, and just hit a few highlights even if it’s a little “stream-of-consciousness” and I don’t have time to go back through and proof it or add (or edit) pictures beforehand.
So if my posts seem a little sloppier, well, they may be! 🙂 And for Facebook friends, my Daily Post might seem like all my status updates strung together. (That might be the best I can do some days!)

I’m telling my perfectionist alter-ego that ultimately I would rather have some memories of “life with littles”–even if there are a few misspellings and only pictures once a week–than no memories at all.

Here’s the latest for today:

We have all been sick. Micah is mostly recovered; Mara seems to be recovering but still low energy; my throat doesn’t hurt whenever I swallow now (1st time since Wed/Thurs); Carissa still has 101-fever; she is coughing in bed right now; and Daniel & David seem to have successfully avoided catching the bug! It has been a challenging week for me. With a sore throat and almost no voice, I’ve wanted to say nothing all day. But my kids don’t respond well to charades, so I have had to use words, which kills. Today finally things are looking up!

Carissa has been very conscious of her diapers lately. She will say “Poop! Poop!” before she goes in her diaper, and she will tell me “Diaper! Diaper!” when she needs to be changed. Sometimes she will say “go potty,” and I have sat her on the potty a couple of times with no result. Well, today she was very very insistent saying “Go potty! Go potty!” and when I said, “I’ll change your diaper,” she shook her head and gave a frustrated little growl as if I wasn’t understanding her. So I set her on the potty and went to nurse David. Next thing I knew she walked over to me, and when I looked in the potty, I saw she had definitely needed to go! And I was especially proud of her for keeping it IN the potty! YAY! She got lots of hugs and a special treat for that! This was her first real potty-success! and, no, I’m not “potty training” her–but hey, if she knows she needs to go and insists that, I’m okay with it!

Funny of the day:

I told the kids I didn’t like one song on (kids’ edu site).
Mara: “Why don’t you like it, Mommy?”
Me: “It just sounds like you’re smoking something.” In hindsight I wouldn’t recommend saying that to preschoolers.
Now when Mara is doing Starfall, she says, “Mommy, we’re smoking something!” and then whispers to Mic, “C’mon, Micah! Let’s smoke something again.”

David had a check-up on Saturday. Technically it was his one-month check-up, but he will be 7 weeks old on Tuesday. He weighed 12 lbs., 4 ozs. He has gained 4 lbs, 2 ozs., in 6-1/2 weeks! It is so nice to have such a healthy boy! I call him my “big boy,” since Micah was about 1/2 his size.

I haven’t yet forced myself to get rid of his newborn clothes, but with a consignment sale around the corner, maybe that will motivate me! I need to at least get them out of his drawer because he’s already fitting in some 3-6 month! His pregnancy felt like eternity but wow, his first few weeks have just flown by!

And for the sentimental-milestone moment of the day:

Tonight our “baby” moved out of our bedroom and into the room that he and Micah will share for years to come. . . Next thing you know, he’ll be graduating from kindergarten . . . and then the empty nest. . . . I told Daniel, “The baby stage is over!” Of course Daniel said ‘when he’s out of diapers and feeding himself, then we’ll say the baby stage is over.’

I guess I was thinking the “newborn stage” is over. . .

. . . which is what made me think I’d better start blogging again so I can remember it.

Bathroom break, please??

Moms of littles, you know how it is.

You’ve gotta go!

But with little ones needing your care, there is no time. Finally, you can’t wait any longer.

That was me this morning, sprinting up the stairs (why don’t they put bathrooms on the main floor in these rowhomes??), as I called to Mara, “Watch Carissa! Make sure she doesn’t climb the stairs or get the knives off the table!”

I had hardly got into the bathroom, when the door opened. It was Carissa! Ahhhhh!!

“How did you get up here?!” I exclaimed, wondering what had become of her 4-year-old babysitter.

All of a sudden, Micah appeared behind her. “I walked behind her the whole way!” he beamed proudly.

I was so relieved (although if she had fallen, she likely would have taken her 3-year-old brother down the stairs with her).

“Were you looking out for your sister?” I asked him, so pleased.

His eyes absolutely lit up. It was obvious that he sensed that this was his moment. He was the hero.

“Yeth!” he exclaimed. “I was looking out for her! I was the big buh-dult [adult].” For some reason, he likes to add consonants to words that begin with vowels, as in “I’m going to puh-ttach my sword to my bat and make a two-blade!”

In any case, I’m so glad there’s another buh-dult around here for those times when Mommy needs to use the bathroom.

End of the Umbilical Era

I remember when Micah was a couple weeks old in the NICU, and his umbilical stump fell off. I was there that afternoon, and the nurse handed it to me and asked if I wanted to keep it. At the time, I thought it was pretty gross. No, thanks. (People actually save those?!)

But today for the first time in four babies, when David’s came off at 2 weeks, 2 days old, I was tempted to keep it. . . Don’t worry, dear–I didn’t. I was just tempted to.

The umbilical stump always seems like a sign of just how newborn a baby is. . . Meaning, it was mere days ago, that this was the lifeline from the baby to the momma. . . And once the baby grows past that, it’s not long before the “snuggling” stage ends too. . .

Oh, wow, I’m getting all sappy. Over the umbilical stump!  . . it’s the end of an era for us. . .