This is Carissa, affectionately dubbed “Cutey-Face” by her big sister Mara. Which I can handle, especially since we shot down Mara’s suggestion of “Sly-nina” for her real name.
Carissa is already 3-1/2 months old, and I am realizing that I haven’t even written her “birth story” post yet!

For now, here are a few snapshots.

As you can see, she is already a thumb-sucker, despite the multiple pacifiers I have given her, determined not to have three thumb-suckers in this house at the same time.

She is also a big talker! Some babies “defer” to the others talking in the room. Not Carissa. Her little voice just grows louder and louder, determined to be recognized. When the older two are napping, Carissa is usually with me, and I enjoy her continual chatter. She is going to be quite the conversationalist!

She is such a happy little baby. She can catch my eye across the room and warm my heart with her beautiful smile. By far, she is the easiest one of my three! (I told Daniel, if Carissa had been our first, I would have wanted half a dozen!)
Carissa began sleeping 9-10 hours a night when she was five weeks old. She now sleeps about 11 hours a night! And she wakes up every morning usually around 6 AM, not crying, but cooing and smiling. Sometimes I’m not sure whether I’m hearing Carissa or Micah over the monitor in the morning.

I want to remember everything. The peach fuzz growing in, now that her baby hair fell out. (And yes, it is looking just as red as Mara’s was at this age!) I want to remember the way her hair sticks straight up after her bath. I want to remember her little auburn eyebrows that stuck straight out for weeks after her birth.

Her big blue eyes! Those long dark eyelashes. Her button nose. And chubby cheeks.

Those dimpled fingers. Dimpled elbows. The rolls on her arms and legs. (Wow!) Her belly bursting out of all her clothes. Her six-month clothes–at three months old. Her perfect little fingers and precious little toes.
All this is only the beginning. We are discovering more and more about this new little life day by day, and lovin’ every minute!

I love you so much, my Carissa Marie!
Thank you, God, for loaning this precious child to us!