Wedding Dress Shopping

My sister got engaged a couple weeks ago and she and her fiance are planning a May wedding in Florida. We (Mom, Micah and I) got to go wedding dress shopping with her while she was in town.

I suppose this wedding-dress-shopping-thing may be once-in-a-lifetime for my little Micahman, so as you can imagine, I took some pictures . . .

He loved looking through the dresses!

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And what wedding dress shopping trip is complete (when you’re 17 months old!) without a little dressing-room-peek-a-boo?

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He loved the mirrors . . .

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Looked in shock at the alteration fees . . .

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And stood in awe of the beautiful bride no matter which dress she wore.

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He couldn’t help picking up that lacey train.

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But after awhile, getting restless, he began to do little-boy things, like looking at his tongue in the mirror. . .

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Then he started playing “find-my-belly-button” . . .

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And he tried to get the bride to play too. (She didn’t. Just for the record.)

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But all in all, we thought he did quite well, wedding dress shopping.

For more Wordless Wednesday, visit 5 Minutes for Mom!

We’ve Been Busy . . .

Over the past week and a half.

My brother and sister-in-law came a week before Thanksgiving, and stayed Wednesday through Thanksgiving Day.

My sister arrived a week later, and spent Wednesday through Saturday with us.

My sister-in-law was also home from college from Wednesday through Sunday.

My parents came in Thanksgiving Day and my mom is staying through December 8.

On Sunday after Thanksgiving, we had a reunion in New Jersey at the church where my dad was the pastor for 10 years (when I was 2 – 12 years old). I was able to revisit my childhood home for the first time in literally 20 years! Wow! What memories!! . . .

We went wedding dress shopping with my sister.

My dad did a TON of home improvement projects for us while he was here. Thank you, Dad!!

Daniel had about a week off work. (And Micah is now totally Daddy’s boy!)

Although he also got his first black eye, falling down the stairs, while Daddy was watching him during my doctor’s appointment . . .

Oh, I had another Ob appointment, and now they want to see me every two weeks because of the contractions. 🙁 Which might not be all bad, since tonight I had a couple hours of contractions 4-5 minutes apart. . . Thankfully, with two hours of rest, the contractions went back to normal.

All that to say . . . we’ve been busy! But there is plenty to blog about.

So stay tuned!

A Picture on the Bookshelf

It’s been over a year since I’ve seen my Mom and Dad. But they live in South Dakota, so it’s not as if we could make it a weekend trip–or even drive there in 12 hours . . .  or 18 . .  or 20 . . .  Well, I suppose someone has probably driven it in 20.

It’s basically two days’ drive or a lot of frequent flyer miles, which can be cost-prohibitive, especially when you’re a family of almost 5.

It’s been over a year since I’ve seen my brother and sister-in-law too. They live in South Carolina, which granted is only one days’ drive. But still.

And we got to visit my sister Mary in Florida and meet her boyfriend back in May. And Mary visited earlier this spring too. So far this year, my sister has been the only “family” I have seen. And it is now November.

But all that is about to change.

My brother & sister-in-law arrive on Thursday and get to stay for a week–until Thanksgiving Day. My sister-in-law has a professional exam here in the city (is it the Certified Financial Planner? I need to ask her!) that weekend, so they are making a “mini-vacation” of it. She has to work the day after Thanksgiving, so we will eat Thanksgiving Dinner for lunch to get them on the road!

My sister is arriving Wednesday before Thanksgiving and staying through Saturday.

My parents are coming in Thanksgiving morning, because my dad will be preaching in South Amboy, New Jersey, on Saturday and Sunday at the church where I spent 10 of my primitive years. Then my mom will stay with us for a little over a week after that!

As I understand it, we will all be together in the same house for about 5 hours or so . . . if all goes according to plan . . . which hasn’t happened since October 2008.

I’ve told the kids about it. Mara understands. She talks to Grandma and Grandpa on Skype, and she knows they’re coming. I’m not quite sure what Micah understands yet.

But lately, he has been going over to the bookshelf, taking down the picture of my family (from our wedding) and pointing to each of the people in the picture and jabbering.

I’m not sure what he’s saying. But I tell him who each person is, and that they’re coming for a visit. And he actually looks at each person with interest.


So, wow, I will catching up with some people I love!

And my little boy, who has only met his Grandma and Grandpa once, will get to know them in a closer way than just a picture on the bookshelf.

Some Evidence that Watching TV Makes You Stupid

A lot of times when a 2-year-old quotes you, she’ll get the quote just right enough for you to understand what she’s referring to, but just wrong enough to be amusing.

The other day Mara said to me, “Daddy said I couldn’t watch too much TV because Bugs Bunny makes you ‘tupid! [stupid]”

I think he probably said something to the effect that she couldn’t watch too much Bugs Bunny, because watching too much TV makes you stupid. I tried to clear it up. I’m not sure if she really understood or not.

But here’s a picture from last night, that just confirms watching too much television makes you stupid.

Here they are watching Clifford.

(Note especially the one in the middle!)


Sweet Moments to Treasure

Moms everywhere keep telling me, “Enjoy this stage–it’s going to go by so fast.”

And so in the midst of potty training, and learning to share with her brother, and learning not cry over what she has to wear (or eat or what she’s told to do), there are moments of unbelievable sweetness.

Which I will always treasure.

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For more Wordless Wednesday, visit 5 Minutes for Mom!