Little Boo Update: Week 15

This weekend I realized that we have definitely entered the “happy second trimester”!

During the first trimester I am majorly overwhelmed with fatigue. I don’t think overwhelmed is too strong a word.–Being a person with normally high energy levels, requiring little sleep, it is such an adjustment for me, that it is almost a constant frustration. During the first trimester I require at least one nap/day or I need to be in bed very very early. This also makes me incredibly emotional, because I am so tired, and usually something ridiculous sets me “off” once a day. . . But when the second trimester arrives, I feel like I’m suddenly back to my “old” self! What an exciting realization!

Going into this pregnancy, I definitely felt apprehensive. Since my last pregnancy ended with preterm delivery at week 32, I’ve been interested in the experiences of subsequent pregnancies, in women who have delivered prematurely. . . You hear women’s stories of subsequent pregnancies ending even earlier–and I had hesitations about pregnancy because of what it could potentially mean for the life of our new little child, as well as the logistics of bedrest again, preterm labor & delivery again, hospitalization, another NICU experience for us as a family with two toddlers!

But I have to say: I’m encouraged!

Given my history, my doctors and even the “healthy beginnings” people from my insurance company are treating my current pregnancy with greater caution.

My ob is recommending weekly progesterone shots from week 16 – 36. She has referred me to a high-risk specialist who will make the decision about the shots. Basically these shots relax the uterus so that it won’t contract. My insurance “case manager” (who is a long-time ob nurse) tells me that many women who take these shots (having had previous preterm deliveries) go on to deliver their babies full-term, often without requiring bedrest. Others she has dealt with, who lost children at 24 or 25 weeks, carried the next baby to week 32.

The idea that these shots would provide a very good chance at delivering my child full-term–and the additional benefit of not being on bedrest–is very exciting and encouraging to me.

My appointment with the high-risk specialist is this morning. They will do an ultrasound, discuss my history and formulate a strategy for dealing with this pregnancy. So I’m praying the Lord will give the specialist wisdom and also an understanding of our need to balance what procedures are necessary to protect the baby and what is “extra” (given our insurance coverage). . .

and now I’m off to bed. . . even 2nd trimester energy diminishes at some point!

Baby Sophia

My niece Sophia came for a visit today, and Mara and Micah had a great time with their little cousin.

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Isn’t she beautiful?! I adore her hair!!!

I’m realizing–I don’t think I have posted a picture of Sophia on my blog yet–and I can’t believe it! The first pictures I took of her, unfortunately, turned out rather blurry, and I have taken a few video clips, but haven’t posted videos on my blog yet. . . so finally, I’m introducing Baby Sophia!

It was fun to compare and contrast babies! Sophia has much more of the sweet, calm baby temperment that Mara had. She sits and smiles and coos and loves to be held and talked to and played with. Her cry is this teeny-tiny petite thing–that you have to listen for, or you might miss, above the two-toddler din. She is a slowww eater–enjoying her milk and her food just like Mara did (and still does, come to think of it). Which reminded me again what an unbelievably fast eater (and nurser!) Micah has been. While there are pros and cons to each personality, and while I completely love both of my children, part of me is really hoping our next baby is another sweet, calm one. 🙂

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Mara loves babies. She doesn’t always know what to do with them. But she loves them.

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Her conversation goes something like this (indefinitely): “Hi, Baby Sophia! Let’s play, Baby Sophia! Do you see the little girl, Baby Sophia? . . . Mommy, can I feed Baby Sophia? . . . Why is she sad? Maybe she wants her paci! Maybe she wants her blanket! . . . Can I feed her applesauce? . . .” She just delights in the baby, which makes me excited that she will be a great big helper in March when our next one comes along!

But the biggest surprise of the day (for me) was Micah’s response. He adored her as well! It was a huge surprise, because there seemed to be no jealousy issues whatsoever! (In the past when I hold other babies, he often would cry and hold out his arms to be picked up.)

In fact, he almost treated Sophia the way Mara treats him.

He wanted to show her how to brush her hair.

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Which, conceivably, he may have thought she needed to brush her hair, given that she has 5 times the hair he has, and she’s 9 months younger! 🙂

He shared his police car with her, showing her how to turn on the lights and the siren.

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And he used his Leapfrog toy to “teach” Sophia letters. 😉

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Of course, Mara had to get in on the action too. . .

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And before long, Sophia could do it all by herself!

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But the best part was when I sat Micah and Sophia together on the couch. . .

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He already has that uncomfortable look: “Mommmmmm!!!–she’s touching me!” but instead of overreacting (as my kids are prone to do), he just sat there, looking concerned.

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Until she started tugging on his ear. Now he’s wincing.

By about the third tug on his ear, he’d had all he could take, and I was waiting to see how he would respond. My little boy who screams bloody murder anytime he feels slightly disenfranchised. (I was hoping he wouldn’t scare his sweet little cousin.)

And I was so pleased! Somehow he seemed to understand: she’s littler and requires more patience.

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My little man gently took her hand off his ear and set it in her lap. 🙂 Ohhhhhhh. . . .Okay, so only his mom is touched.  😉

I think my kids wore her out. . . Little Sophia was sound asleep when Mommy and Daddy came to pick her up!

Stellar Posts Worth the Read

I read a number of blogs on a regular basis. On a  week like this when I went three days without reading or writing any posts, there was a lot to catch up on!

Several posts I came across were dynamite! Stellar posts, worth your time!

So I wanted to share a few . . .

  • One of my old Worship/Youth Pastors is starting to “Read Through the New Testament in 90 Days” starting Monday. He’s encouraging others to join him. Since I’m woefully behind in my “read through the Bible this year” plan, I figured this will motivate me to at least finish the New Testament! And I’m encouraging others to join! He’s included the reading schedule in his post and he will be blogging about his reading as he goes.
  • World Magazine had an incredibly encouraging article entitled “The Next Thing.” Here’s an excerpt: “. . . the future is God’s, not mine; mine is only the present moment. I am fearful because I’m thinking I have to live the rest of my life. But I don’t. I only have to live the next five minutes. To me belongs obedience; to Him belongs outcomes.” [Emphasis added.] I really need to remember this concept at a time in life when I feel inadequate for the tasks before me and struggling to “keep up.”
  • On a much more mundane note, college football season has begun, and these dips (posted by Amy at The Finer’s Things) look really yummy! (Of the three posts I’m recommending, skip this one if you only have time for two. 🙂 I wanted to include one post that was a little “lighter.”  . . . Although when you look at the ingredients in these dips, I’m not sure they can be classified as “light.” 😉

The Dangers of Cooking with a Little Guy Underfoot

I was making a pot roast one night this week, and was browning the meat in the kitchen. When I went back to the dining room table, where I had laid out the carrots, celery, potatoes, and onions, I found this little guy, making off with a carrot!


The camera was on the table and I just had to snap a picture! . . .

I guess he just pulled the carrot off the table and decided to see what it tasted like! Nothing is “out of reach” for him!