God the Healer. God the Provider. We Love You, God.

We were eating dinner after church Sunday night and talking about our friends, the Atchisons. They are pursuing adoption (you can read the beginnings of their adoption story in their blog here), but a car accident this past week seems to be a set-back in the “adoption-funding” process.

I was expressing to Daniel my sadness that their car was totalled, and Mara was trying to understand.  So we told her that their car was broken–so broken that no one could fix it, and they would have to buy a new one.

After this, Mara became very quiet the rest of the meal. Finally she said, “I’m so sad about the little car.”

I sympathized, “We are too, sweetheart.” Maybe it was too much for a two-year-old to bear! 🙂 After dinner, she was still walking around sadly, and when I asked her what was wrong, she again repeated, “I’m sad about the little car.” I was surprised because that conversation was lonnnng past! Maybe I had been too dismal and negative about it earlier.

“Mara!” I said. “God is going to provide what they need. He will provide a car for Tara and Alan! We just have to wait and see how He is going to do it.”

Right away, Mara said, “Let’s p’ay [pray] about it.”

So Daniel, Mara and I stopped right there in the kitchen and prayed together that God would provide them a car somehow.

After the prayer, I told Daniel that my thumb was really hurting (I have had incessant eczema issues since 1993, particularly on my thumb and forefinger these days).

Mara (not understanding my medical history but believing in God) insisted. “God will heal your thumb, Mommy! God heal my fingers.” She held up two fingers with a sincere smile. “These two fingers! He heal them!”

I wanted to cry. She was sooo concerned about her two fingers (which had minor scrapes) a couple of weeks ago. I promised her that God would heal them. And He did.

She is learning that God is the Healer.

Now she is learning that He is the Provider too.

At bedtime we always pray. Tonight she said, “P’ay about we went to the park.” So we thanked God that we could play at the park, and that Daddy could come too. We thanked God that we could go to church and nursery and learn songs about God. Right before I said “Amen,” Mara again requested, “P’ay about the little car.”

So I prayed confidently, knowing God will provide and thanking Him in advance. Then I said, “Amen.”

Spontaneously my precious little Mara piped up one last time, “And I love you, God!” she declared happily.

I had to fight back tears. It was a beautiful thing–my daughter expressing genuine heartfelt love for God!

I’m beginning to see more and more of the child-like faith in little Mara. It convicts my heart. I pray that that “mustard seed” will continue to grow.

Encouragement from Psalm 139

Between August and the first of October, I’m memorizing Psalm 139. This passage couldn’t come at a more perfect time!

During this timeframe, I will have my first Ob appointment for my 3rd pregnancy at 13-1/2 weeks (August 30) and likely will also have an ultrasound at some point, which will tell us more specifics about our Little Boo!  😉

I admit a bit of apprehension going into this pregnancy. Wondering if I will be on bedrest again and how many weeks it would last. Wondering if I will have preterm labor again and how early it will start. Wondering if I will need another C-section or if I’ll be able to go for a VBAC this time. Wondering if he or she will be another preemie and spend the first few weeks in the NICU like Micah did. Wondering if this one will come even earlier or if, now that we know, we could delay labor longer. Wondering who would care for Mara and Micah through all of that. Wondering . . . and (I should just admit it) sometimes worrying.

But none of it will be a surprise to God. All of the things I learn throughout this pregnancy and all the things I see in the ultrasound will be ordained by God before this little one ever existed.

Listen to these verses:

13For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.

14I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.

15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.

16Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

From these verses I learn . . .

  • God designed each aspect of my baby.
  • His design is “wonderful,” a cause for praise! I take this verse with me into the ultrasound. No matter what, God’s design is wonderful, a cause for praise!
  • God sees and knows my baby in my womb. Nothing about his or her development is hidden from–or a surprise to–God.
  • And verse 16 reminds me that the baby will not be “early” or “late.” In God’s book are written, every one of them, the days that are formed for you, my little one, when as yet there are none of them. My baby will be born on God’s timetable.

This verse particularly was a wonderful comfort when I was on bedrest with Micah, experiencing preterm labor, and when he was born at 32 weeks. This was no surprise–it was God’s perfect plan: His design for our growth in Christlikeness and for His glory to be displayed in and through our lives. And God certainly received the glory from Micah’s birth!

I talked to a dear dear friend today–one of my bridesmaids! 🙂 She too is pregnant–with their third–and she too is 12 weeks along. She too had a 32-week-NICU baby, and a second pregnancy with progesterone shots, bedrest, and finally (success) a 36-weeker! She too is looking to the Lord in trust that His ways are higher than our ways. It was so incredibly encouraging to talk to her today. Knowing we’re in similar circumstances, and both desiring God’s glory above all!

I pray that with God’s grace, we will both continue to say, “I praise you! Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

Egg Drop Soup!

Never realized how easy it is to make egg drop soup!! I did double the eggs in the recipe, as some of the reviewers suggested. Sooo good! and super cheap too!

Check it out!

Mara “helped” whisk the eggs, after which she proudly announced, “Daddy! I helped Mommy make dinner!”

The best part was during dinner, when she took her first sip: “Thank you, Mom! It’s my favorite soup!”

About.com: Stay-at-Home-Moms


Yesterday Apryl from About.com’s Stay-at-Home Moms site e-mailed me:

” . . . you are the Mom Blogger of the Week on About.com’s Stay-at-Home Moms site . . .”

So I’d like to encourage my readers to click on the link above, and then check out the Stay-at-Home Moms site for tips on time management, school shopping, saving money, current events/entertainment relating to kids and families–something relevant for all stay-at-home moms! Take a look!

Another Great Olive Garden Recipe!

My sister-in-law is going off to college this fall, and we wanted to make her a special dinner. So once again, I turned to the Olive Garden Recipes site–and we were not disappointed!

ChickenCastellinaWe made the Chicken Castellina, Bruschetta al Pomodoro, and a variation on the broccoli and tomatoes from this recipe. The Chicken Castellina was outstanding! Every bit as good as a dish you would find at my favorite Macaroni Grill! In fact, I told my husband that I must have chosen the wrong dishes when I’ve gone to Olive Garden, because none of them were as good as the two we have made at home, using their recipes! (Once again, photo is straight from Olive Garden’s website because we were too busy cooking, watching the toddlers, and eating to take pictures!)

We love sun-dried tomatoes. Love Gouda cheese. Parmesan cheese. Bacon. Chicken.

How can you go wrong with all these ingredients in a sauce of white wine, butter, milk, and cream?!?!  (I have to acknowledge what is quite obvious: this recipe would not be on the Weight Watcher’s list–or even permissible for someone in that program!) I didn’t even bother to look at the nutritional information, because with all those ingredients, I’m convinced there were more calories in that dish than I should ever even think about!

But we absolutely loved it! I used campanelle pasta because I saw several “new limited time” Olive Garden dishes using that type of pasta. We liked it.

The Bruschetta was okay. I think I cut the bread too thick. And we heated it in the toaster oven instead of the grill. And I had dry basil, instead of fresh. (I know, I know–one chef described dry basil as barely a “step above pencil shavings.”) So my adjustments explain why it was just okay.

But when you follow the recipe to a ‘t,’ like we did with the Chicken Castellina, I don’t think you’re going to find a recipe on Olive Garden’s site that isn’t gourmet quality!

Hey, if I can do it, you can too!