Me? Insulted by My Two-Year-Old? Never!

Believe it or not, my “charming” two-year-old can be very insulting. Completely. Unintentionally. Very insulting.  Randomly she will shout things like “Momma!–you need help!” from the other room, and I’m left wondering ‘where did she come up with that?’

Here’s an example from a couple days ago: The women in my immediate family have been blessed with prominent varicose veins. On the few occasions when I have mentioned it to girlfriends of mine, they assured me that their varicose veins were just as bad–or worse. That is, until they actually looked at mine. Then they would raise their eyebrows and quickly retract their statements: “Okay, mine aren’t that bad.”

So when I’m wearing shorts, the ever-observant Mara (who has just discovered “boo-boos” having inflicted herself with her first “serious” boo-boo over Memorial Day weekend) will bend down with great concern and ask dramatically, “Oh, what hap-pened?” She already has mastered the ‘I-might-pass-out-I-just-saw-blood’ inflection, and she is only two.

“They’re varicose veins, Mara,” I say, trying not to be disturbed that even my two-year-old sees my veins as extraordinary. Sometimes “just the facts” are all she needs, but not this time. She’s pretty concerned.

“What haaaappened?” she asks again breathily, still bending over, looking at the back of my legs. ” . . . whyyyyy?

Flippantly, I say, “I’m getting old.”

She didn’t miss a beat. “You’re not getting old!” she says, as if to clarify.  “You already are old!”

Thanks, sweetheart. First, you insult my legs. Now my age. At this rate, I will be in therapy by the time you become a teenager and start insulting me on purpose.

I have a new rule: Never feel insulted by what your two-year-old says to you, no matter how insulting it may be.

Thank you, Octamom!

Octamom, one of my favorite bloggers, introduced me to when I discovered her blog last year. She has some amazing scrapblogs linked to her blog! If you want some “scrapping” inspiration, look no further!

You can imagine my excitement when she posted an offer from Scrapblog to make a free Mother’s card, paying only $1 for shipping. On top of that, she encouraged us to provide links to our cards, for a chance to win a free memory book from Scrapblog! (Now, Mom, in case you are reading this, I was already planning to make you a Mother’s Day card, before I heard about the contest, but since I already made the card . . .  🙂

I should mention that my contest “winnings” have, to this point, been rather unremarkable. I’m the girl who wins the free carpet cleaning in the drawing at the Indiana county fair, the summer when we are building our house and have not a stitch of carpet in the house! (Yes, I really did!) But with AIM name like ‘unboundedhope,’ you know I’ll keep entering contests till my dying day!

On Tuesday night, there was an e-mail in my inbox from none other than Octamom herself: “Hey, Girl!  You are the winner of the Mother’s Day Scrapblog card contest!”

I ran downstairs to tell my husband, I called my mom . . . of course, Mom thought I was a winner even before this contest! and she told me so. I love you, Mom!!

The wheels are spinning now . . . what kind of memory book should I create? . . . so many ideas . . . Micah’s baby book and his preemie story from last summer? Our trip to Florida next week?  . . .

Wow, I can’t wait! I will link it to my blog when it’s complete.

Thank you, Octamom!

He Already Has Two Mothers

As Micah’s mobility has increased, so has his “accountability” for his actions! Mara is hearing me say ‘no’ to Micah a lot more these days.

In typical fashion, she imitates me, following the child around the house, saying, “No, Micah! ON-ly Mara . . . No, Micah! Eat your peas . . . No, Micah! No books!”

“Mara, you don’t tell Micah ‘no,'” I instructed. “I am his mother. I will tell him ‘no’ if he needs to hear it.”

Without missing a beat, she insisted, “I’m his mother too!”

Poor little guy–it starts early!

When Emily Elisabeth is in our house . . .

When Emily Elisabeth is in our house, we have the same rules for her, that we have for Mara! (I thought this went without saying, but apparently not!)

After Mara goes #1 in the potty, she gets one butter toffee peanut. (She calls them “spicy peanuts.”) We have a rule that only Mommy gets out the peanuts.

Well, this morning Mara was pretending to be Emily Elisabeth from Clifford the Big Red Dog. So after Mara went potty, she announced, “Lill-a-bus-a-lill-a-bus [is] big! Lill-a-bus-a-lill-a-bus gets spicy peanuts all by herself!”

We nipped that one in bud right away! I could see Lill-a-bus getting away with all sorts of things!

Clifford and Emily Elisabeth (aka Pet and Lill-a-bus-a-lill-a-bus)

When you become a mom, you learn about so many things you just never knew about before–like “Clifford the Big Red Dog.”

Mara was recently given two Clifford books, which she wants to read all the time. When she is not reading the books, she likes to pretend that she is “Emily Elisabeth,” and she has a pet like Clifford.

Her conversation goes like this:

“Hi! I’m Lill-a-bus-a-lill-a-bus,” she smiles sweetly, hands clasped in her lap. “I have a pet named ‘Pet.’ I take it to school with me someday, like the other tids [kids]!”

I am amused, so I laugh. But to Mara, this is a serious reality. She says, “Stop laughing!

And off she goes, taking Pet for a walk.