Seen and Heard

Last night after church we experienced the moment I have been dreading. I knew it was coming. I knew it was only a matter of time.

We had a pizza dinner/church business meeting, so while we ate pizza, our pastor and other church leaders were in the front of the room discussing church business. The room was largely quiet as everyone ate, when Mara dropped her fork on the floor. She was across the table from me, so I couldn’t reach it.

“Fork!” she shouted. “Fork!”

Only she can’t enunciate those ‘r’s yet, so when she says ‘fork,’ it comes out tooootally different. Actually. . . . it comes out really bad! And since I wasn’t instantaneously picking up the fork, Mara kept shouting, even louder, “Fork!! FOOOOORK!!!”

Fortunately her voice carried only to the three tables around us, who understandably were staring in shock at my 2-year-old daughter as I said quietly, “Fork–she’s saying fork.”

“Just to clarify!” the woman next to me laughed. There was visible relief on the faces of others.

Since Mara was still shouting ‘fork,’ I turned to the girl who was sitting next to her across the table. “Do you mind picking up the fork, just so she will stop shouting that?. . . Thank you,” I said apologetically.

The more I thought about it, the more I understood the old philosophy, “Children should be seen and not heard.” Or at least, at church business meetings, until they can enunciate properly.


We folded four loads of laundry today. Well, I folded, and Mara did the commentary. When I pull each article of clothing out of the basket, she announces to whom it belongs: “Mawa’s shirt! Micah’s sleeper!”

Then Mara found two of my no-frills white Hanes sport socks and held them up.

“Sooo cute, Mommy!” she exclaimed with a smile.

We need to discuss what “cute” means–because that’s not it! I started laughing and Mara said, “Call Gama Bubben!” (She knows I call Grandma to share cute stories.)


When Mara woke up this morning, I took her straight from her crib to the changing table. She carried Blue Bear with her. I do this every morning, assuming that after she sleeps all night, her diaper will need to be changed.

“Mara, is your diaper wet?” I asked her, expecting full agreement.

“No,” she replied with a puzzled inflection. Then she held Blue Bear up to her face and finished, “Blue Bear?!–must be you!”

Giving Thanks Always . . .

Mara had an especially fun afternoon and evening at church on Sunday. Of course there was nursery! and then after church, a pizza dinner and a business meeting.  During that meeting she played in the back of the room with Corban and Macie; and when the kids were getting a little too wound up, Chris & Daniel took Corban & Mara out and let them play together with a couple of balls on the landing above the stairs. Mara ran around squealing with delight!

Later that night we prayed before bedtime. (Each night before bedtime Mara and I pray together. I ask her what she would like to thank God for or ask God to help us with. Usually she says “Pay nur-chee [pray nursery]. Pay fren Micah. [pray friend Micah]” And she will usually add something from the current day: “Pay home group” [if we went to home group] or “Pay frens come over.”)

So on Sunday night when we prayed, she suddenly brightened, and with great enthusiasm, she begin listing off all the things she was thankful for. “Pay nur-chee! Pay other nur-chee! Pay play ball with Daddy on stairs!” Then she put her thumb in her mouth and bowed her head waiting for me to pray.

I want to encourage her in this. I want Mara to always look back on her day with thanksgiving to God for the good things that He always gives.

Mara’s simple prayers rebuke my heart. How many of my words and thoughts are filled with gratitude throughout my day for all the blessings God continually pours out on me? How much of my prayer time do I spend giving thanks? How often do I look back and reflect on all that He has done?

“Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” – Ephesians 5:20

God Gave Me the Sparrows

If you have been to our new house, you know that the kitchen is not it’s biggest selling point. However, I love the window directly above our kitchen sink! I spend a lot of time there, and being able to catch a vision beyond the dirty dishes always uplifts me!

The neighbors behind us have several trees (which is really amazing on our city block here in a rowhome!), and they have several bird feeders in their yard. So there are always birds, primarily sparrows, for me to watch as I do dishes. We have a pool on our little patio in the back, which is currently winterized, but still provides a “bath” for the birds and water for them to drink.

So why do I mention the sparrows?

It has been a week for reflection. Daniel’s company laid off 50 people on Thursday; thankfully he was not one of them. The company announced they will no longer be matching 401k contributions, and no one will be getting raises this year. Additionally, Daniel is losing a week of vacation pay that he was promised. While these changes are not positive, we are thankful that he still has a job.

In the past 2-1/2 years, he has lost his job twice, so seeing his company going downhill is again a little unnerving. I’m a CPA. I’m a planner. I like to see on paper how God is going to provide for our family financially. But over the past few years, God in His wisdom has not allowed me to see or know our financial future.

So again, you ask, why do I mention the sparrows?

Luke 12:6-7 says, “Are not five sparrows sold for two cents? Yet not one of them is forgotten before God! Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear; you are more valuable than many sparrows.”

Not one of them is forgotten before God. I see His provision for the sparrows–food, water, baths . . . in the middle of a bitterly cold winter!  You are more valuable than many sparrows. Do not fear!

As I look out my kitchen window, I ask God to give me faith to trust Him for what I cannot see. And I thank Him for the sparrows–a visible reminder that He remembers and values me! I have no need to fear.

Mara is talking now. In case anyone wondered.

Here is a short transcript of a recent soliloquy while coloring [this is all within about 4 minutes]. . .

First, she got a phone call! Not really, just an imaginary phone call–from Uncle Derick.

“HI, Deh-gick! How doin’? . . . Bye, Deh-gick! We LOVE you!” Then she put my phone in her pocket.
After maybe 2 seconds, she suddenly pulled it out and, looking at the front display, she said, “Oooo! DEH-gick!” After “answering” it, she closed it and put it back in her pocket. “Deh-gick be here in few minutes,” she announced. Basically she was recounting what she overheard Daddy say a couple weeks ago (minus the “we love you, Derick” part!)

Now back to the crayons:

Bye-bye, tayons. [crayons] We love you! Good nite, tayons. . .Mawa clean up BIG mess. . .Bee-ya? [what is this?] . . . This one BACK. . .  Mawa finish that one. . . .Get ‘nother one out of bag. . . No, page! Go in this bag.. . Mawa get ‘nother one.  Ohhhh. Ceeeee. eFFFFF. [writing “letters”]. Almost done.  Ceee. eFFFF. Ohhhh. Peeee. eXX! . . . Get ‘nother one. . . .Mawa write! This goes here [putting paper in bag]

“Mawa’s tummy feeling betta.”

“Lolors [colors] down here. Get ‘nother one out of bag. Lolor?! Mawa like toys, found: BEEEEE [big] toys, Mawa? [looking for some stamps].

“I think they’re in the bag,” I say.

While pulling things out of her bag:

“AHH!! foun’ them! . . . Dun? little dun! [talking about a yellow smiley-face eraser, that apparently looks like a “sun”] . . . ‘Nother ray-tah? [eraser] . . . PEN-tahs! [pencils] . . . almos’ done! Put it in bag! Put it ‘way! ‘Fore Daddy comes home! Book! Book! Always want book! in bag. Find book in bag! Read it, Mawa, read it at HOME. . . Mawa want book like other people have. [She was troubled that a sheet of paper, folded into a booklet, didn’t stay in “booklet” form–she wanted it to look like a normal book! My OCD child!]

“Go nur-chee! [Go to the nursery: her favorite!] Mawa go nur-chee! . . . No, I’m HOME! Sit [on] white box. [She was sitting on a white box.] Be white back! . . . Bee-ya? [what is it?]

“Those are crayons from Derick & Sarah,” I say.

“Yaw,” she smiled, tilting her head to the side and nodding pleasantly. “[They] give it to Mawa. So happy! [that they gave it to her]”

“In Mommy’s Bible. . . day-dah-ham [something about Abraham]. Mawa right back. [sitting down with her crayons, coloring book, erasers, pencils, etc.] . . .”

“Ladybug crawling on floor!” [it was a fly]

So there you have it, folks, this goes on for hours and hours, but we will stop transcribing here. “Love you!”