God the Healer. God the Provider. We Love You, God.

We were eating dinner after church Sunday night and talking about our friends, the Atchisons. They are pursuing adoption (you can read the beginnings of their adoption story in their blog here), but a car accident this past week seems to be a set-back in the “adoption-funding” process.

I was expressing to Daniel my sadness that their car was totalled, and Mara was trying to understand.  So we told her that their car was broken–so broken that no one could fix it, and they would have to buy a new one.

After this, Mara became very quiet the rest of the meal. Finally she said, “I’m so sad about the little car.”

I sympathized, “We are too, sweetheart.” Maybe it was too much for a two-year-old to bear! 🙂 After dinner, she was still walking around sadly, and when I asked her what was wrong, she again repeated, “I’m sad about the little car.” I was surprised because that conversation was lonnnng past! Maybe I had been too dismal and negative about it earlier.

“Mara!” I said. “God is going to provide what they need. He will provide a car for Tara and Alan! We just have to wait and see how He is going to do it.”

Right away, Mara said, “Let’s p’ay [pray] about it.”

So Daniel, Mara and I stopped right there in the kitchen and prayed together that God would provide them a car somehow.

After the prayer, I told Daniel that my thumb was really hurting (I have had incessant eczema issues since 1993, particularly on my thumb and forefinger these days).

Mara (not understanding my medical history but believing in God) insisted. “God will heal your thumb, Mommy! God heal my fingers.” She held up two fingers with a sincere smile. “These two fingers! He heal them!”

I wanted to cry. She was sooo concerned about her two fingers (which had minor scrapes) a couple of weeks ago. I promised her that God would heal them. And He did.

She is learning that God is the Healer.

Now she is learning that He is the Provider too.

At bedtime we always pray. Tonight she said, “P’ay about we went to the park.” So we thanked God that we could play at the park, and that Daddy could come too. We thanked God that we could go to church and nursery and learn songs about God. Right before I said “Amen,” Mara again requested, “P’ay about the little car.”

So I prayed confidently, knowing God will provide and thanking Him in advance. Then I said, “Amen.”

Spontaneously my precious little Mara piped up one last time, “And I love you, God!” she declared happily.

I had to fight back tears. It was a beautiful thing–my daughter expressing genuine heartfelt love for God!

I’m beginning to see more and more of the child-like faith in little Mara. It convicts my heart. I pray that that “mustard seed” will continue to grow.

Hiding God’s Word in Their Hearts

In his article Why Memorize Scripture (which, by the way, you should definitely read), John Piper lists several reasons for memorizing Scripture:

  • Conformity to Christ
  • Daily triumph over Satan
  • Daily triumph over sin
  • Comfort and counsel for people you love
  • Communicating the Gospel to unbelievers
  • Communion with God in the enjoyment of His person and His ways

I’ve recently learned another reason for us stay-at-home moms to memorize Scripture ourselves by quoting it aloud several times a day:

  • We will be hiding God’s Word in our children’s hearts–without them even knowing it!

The kids and I were sitting at dinner. Daniel was working late. I was focused on feeding Micah, and Mara as usual was talking incessantly. She began muttering something quietly, and I didn’t pay close attention at first. So I only caught the last half.

She was saying, ” . . . workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Then she looked at me with a mischievous smile–as if to say, ‘Betcha didn’t know I knew that one, did you?’

She was quoting Ephesians 2:10–a verse I memorized almost a month and a half ago–and haven’t quoted since! It really amazed me–not that she was capable of memorizing (because she has memorized other verses). But this was one of my verses. I don’t think I ever heard her quote it while I was actually working on it!

God actually used my daughter to encourage me to keep memorizing Scripture! I need God’s Word, in my life. And hopefully, as I am faithful, my children too will reap all its benefits in the future as God takes His word and works it in their hearts as well!

‘Dirls’ These Days

Three days with migraines means I spent three days doing as close to nothing as possible, in as much darkness as possible–so naturally I spent the remaining days playing catch up. It’s been a rough week.

Thankfully, my husband has been a huge help! Especially this weekend. Both Friday and Saturday he took both kids to play at the park. Saturday he ordered pizza for dinner so I wouldn’t have to cook, and Sunday after church we had Arby’s. Not the healthiest weekend, but hey, I’m actually well enough tonight to type up a quick post! 🙂

On Saturday morning I woke up again with a migraine, and after a couple of hours getting the kids ready for the day and getting their breakfast, the pain on the left side of my head was killing me. I had no choice but to go back to bed. I put Micah down for his morning nap, and Daniel said he and Mara would make coffee and then watch something together.

Mara loves to “make coffee” with Daddy. Her job is to push the button on the coffee grinder. This has been her job for over a year now. But the best part in Mara’s mind is not so much making coffee, as “watching something” online while they wait for the coffee to brew.

Apparently they’ve watched all the “Superman” cartoons that are online now, and they’ve moved on: to The X-Men.

Having never seen The X-Men, and thinking that sounds somehow beyond “toddler girl” level, I said to Daniel, “I don’t know if a 2-year-old girl should be watching the X-Men.”

And Mara replied, “It’s just a tar-toon, Mommy.” Then emphatically, she added, “‘Dirls should watch X-Men after they make coffee with their daddies.”

I smirked, because she was so convincing. (Who is this ‘dirl’?!?!)

Mara smiled sweetly and followed Daddy to the stairs. As she started down the steps, I heard her call over her shoulder, “I’ll be fine, Mom.”

“Mom”? Since when did I become “Mom”? She’s only two!

I really thought “Mommy” should last at least until kindergarten!!!

Poolside in Florida

We’re at the beach all week, so I haven’t actually been “blogging” at all . . . WordPress has a cool feature that allows you to write and schedule your posts in advance.

I figured I would post a picture from back in May when we went to visit my sister Mary in Florida. This was Mara and my “third annual” May Florida trip! We first came when she was six months old, then last year when I was on bedrest with Micah, and this time our whole family was able to go! What fun! . . . Someday I will go through and post more pics from that trip.


We’re not in Florida this time, but (hopefully) we’re on a beach somewhere, having just as much fun!