Mara’s Mealtime Conversation

At breakfast:

“Sometimes my pink blanket is like an escalator.”

I looked at her quizzically. “How is your pink blanket like an escalator?”

Immediately she clarified, “Not my favorite pink blanket. Other pink blanket. Other pink blanket is like an escalator.”

Oh, yes. Other pink blanket.


While sitting at dinner last night, Mara piped up: “Mommy? My hand is on backwards!”

I’m pretty sure it’s not. That’s probably one of those things we would have noticed the day you were born.

Almost 3, Two-and-a-half, and One

Our friends Chris and Melissa are buying a house this week. Last week I watched Corban, who is almost three, to give Melissa a little time to focus on packing without splitting her energies with a toddler boy.

I took Corban and my two kids to the park just down the street. This woman was pushing her baby in the swing and looked at me and said, “You must’ve been pregnant forever with those three!”

“Oh, he’s not mine!” I laughed. “Just these two.” But what I should have said is ‘Oh, yes, and I’m pregnant right now!’ (Ha ha!)

I forgot to take my camera to the park, which is just as well, because when I’m watching an almost 3yo, a 2-1/2 yo and a 1yo outside I really shouldn’t be focusing on anything else!

But I did take a couple inside pictures. Which I would like to title “Anything you can do, I can do better!” They’re constantly one-upping each other, and they are only toddlers!

Mara was sitting in one of the toy baskets. I guess Corban thought, “That looks like fun! How much more fun if we both do it together!?!” TwoNOneBasket

Decorating themselves with stickers (Whatever one did with his sticker, the other would do with her sticker. The stickers were on their foreheads, their arms, over their eyes . . . finally I got out the camera.)StickerFaces

I wish I had a picture that captured the crazy way they laugh and scream and run after each other and knock each other down! They have the best time together!

The Hu-La-Loop!

Remember last week when Mara prayed for a hula hoop? She was pretty serious about it, and told Daddy she was praying for one the next morning.  Of course, she wanted to pray about it again the next day, when we didn’t have a hula hoop yet before bedtime.

Well, I think she found the “answer.” She linked a bunch of toy beads together and said, “Mommy, look! A HU-la-loop!”


Mara’s Musical Preferences . . .

We were listening to Sovereign Grace’s Come Weary Saints, which Mara calls Umbrella Music because there is an umbrella on the front of the CD cover.  (She will say, “I want to listen to Umbrella Music.”)

As a new song began, a look of delight came across her face. “[Gasp] It’s a big girl singing!”

Then she wrinkled her nose. “Sometimes I don’t like mans singing.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I like ladies,” she said.


At night we prayed as always. She usually wants to pray about everything we did that day. For me, it is an opportunity to learn what was most exciting to her in her day and an opportunity to teach her to thank God for all the good things with which He blesses us.

Tonight she said, “P’ay about Umbrella Music! P’ay about American Flag Music!” [We listened to some patriotic music together, with 4th of July coming up.] Then she added, “P’ay about Plastic Music!”

“Plastic music?” I repeated.

“Yes, plastical music!”

Ahh, classical music! We will thank God for the Classical Music too!