“I Painted My Nails!”

Mara has been asking since Florida if we could paint her fingernails. As I was feeding Micah his lunch a few days ago, I heard her say, “Mommy, I painted my nails!”

I didn’t know how that was possible, since she was sitting in her highchair, eating a PBJ sandwich. But I should have known!

I glanced toward her highchair and witnessed intense concentration:MeticulouslyPaintingPBJNails

Sure enough, she had done it! If Mom doesn’t paint your nails, sometimes you just have to do it yourself!PBJNails2

Here’s the finished product. (Bleh!!!) PBJNails

I shouldn’t have been surprised. Last week she was face-painting with her peanut butter (see picture below). And when I asked ‘why,’ she said “Because Jocelyn painted her face!”PBJFacePainting

Yeah, Mara, Jocelyn painted her face, but there was an actual design, and she didn’t use peanut butter!

And I wonder why Daniel always asks:Where was her mother?!?!?!”

“I Missed Your Call!”

I’m forever missing calls and explaining to people why I missed them.

On Saturday night, Mara and I were picking up toys before bedtime. After putting most of the Legos back in their basket, Mara picked up a toy phone and said, “Hi! I missed your call because Mommy and I were picking up Legos! I didn’t mean to, Daddy.”

“Write It Down!”

For some encouragement to those of you who, like me, blog so we can share and remember the simple treasured moments of our family life . . . here’s Shannon, one of my top favorite bloggers (Rocks in My Dryer), blogging today at Parenting.com.

You have to go to the Parenting site and read her post!!  What a great encouragement, not to focus on the format or get discouraged by inconsistency! But just to jot down something! It is so true that this is not “one more thing to do” but it’s something relaxing to record the memories, and know they will be preserved as part of our family story!


So! Now that I’m all inspired (and while I can still remember), here are a few little memories from this week . . .

  • We are practicing charts. Mara is supposed to say, “‘T’ says ‘t’ turkey.” But instead she said, “‘T’ says ‘ch – chicken’.” 🙂 Well, I guess it would be hard for a two-year-old to distinguish a turkey from a chicken!
  • Ironically, she never enunciates the “c” correctly. It always sounds like a “t.” So as we are looking at the A-Z book on the “C” page, she points to all the pictures: corn, cookies, cake, and says: “Torn. Tookies. And take!”
  • On Saturday, Mara mentioned a friend from church. “Remember Mo, Mommy?”she asked. It always cracks me up when she says, ‘Remember  – – – -, Mommy?”

“Yes,” I said. “We haven’t had her over for awhile.”

“Can Mo come to our house and eat lunch?” she asked.

“I think that’s a good idea!”

So on Sunday at church, Mara saw her and said, “Hi, Mo! Can you come to our house for lunch?” I think that was the first time she asked anyone over. 🙂

Then today, I said, “I need to figure out what we’re having for lunch tomorrow when Mo comes over.”

Mara said, “Tortilla soup.” [That’s what we had the last time she came over–I was surprised Mara remembered because that was about 6 weeks ago!]

  • We’ve had a lot of rain this week, and we found an earthworm on the sidewalk out back. I told Daniel to show it to Mara. If I’m raising my girl in the innercity, I want her to at least know what a worm looks like!  Not to stereotype . . . But Mara was majorly creeped out by the wriggly earthworm. Micah, on the other hand, was completely intrigued. And after holding it for a few seconds, he tried to put it in his mouth. We had to take it away.
  • Micah continues to eat his weight in food daily. That’s probably an overstatement, but not a huge overstatement! Today, for instance, breakfast: bowl of oatmeal & 1/3 cup applesauce. Lunch 3 – 3.5 oz containers of baby food (squash, green beans, banana berry). Dinner 3 – 3.5 oz containers (green beans, sweet potatoes, and banana plum grape). That’s down from the other morning, when breakfast alone was: a bowl of oatmeal, 1/2 cup of applesauce, a handful of fresh blueberries, and an entire can (14.5 oz) of pears!! Is that not insane?!?! Mara never ate that much!! Is my child normal? or am I allowing him to over-eat?!

Well, those are tonight’s random memories, without regard to format, as Shannon recommended. 🙂


Mara is just beginning to understand relationships between people and to understand that people can be identified by more than one relational descriptor.

For example, she is beginning to understand that Daddy is not only “Daddy,” he is also “Daniel,” Mommy’s “husband,” and Grandmom’s son. This is still a relatively new concept for her, so we continue teaching, as she continues to learn.

On Monday Daniel’s mom was in our back yard with Mara. The neighbor lady was outside, and Grandmom asked, “Is that your neighbor?”

To which Mara replied firmly, “No, it’s not neighbor. It’s Liz!”

We laughed and tried to explain that she is our neighbor and her name is Liz. Liz is always tickled that Mara remembers her name, so she thought it was cute.

Around 9 p.m. after Daniel came home from work, we were out back again, and Mara was lying on her tummy on her little picnic table, with her head propped in her hands, when Liz came out in the yard again.

“Liz?” Mara called out. “Are you our neighbor?”

She wouldn’t take our word for it–she had to go straight to the source!

What should we pray about tonight, Mara?

Each night, before Mara goes to sleep, I lay her down on her tummy (for some reason, she always says, ‘on my back’ as I lay her on her tummy) in her crib and cover her with her favorite “pink binkit.”

Then I ask, “What should we pray about tonight, Mara?”

Here is her reply:

“That we got pink bear with hearts at the dozing wap, pray about that, Mommy.” Months ago we got “pink bear with hearts” at the clothing swap, but she wants to thank God for him almost every night. She will pause and wait for me to pray.

“And that Melissa got dress at the dozing wap. Melissa got dresses at the dozing wap.” Melissa found some dresses at the clothing swap and gave them to Mara. Another pause while I pray.

“And that we could go to Melissa’s house.” We went earlier that day. She pauses and listens.

“And that we could get Mommy med-i-nun.” We got medicine for my sinus infection today. Again, a pause.

“And Bob, Mommy, pray for neighbor Bob.”

Thank you, God, for each of Mara’s blessings, and thank you that you welcome little children and that you care about each of their cares. Not one of them is too small for you.