Random Candids

Summer: Icey-Pops Once Again!


Micah discovered his “tongue” over the past few days, so he goes around sticking out his tongue, rubbing his tongue across his teeth, pulling on his tongue. . . BigBrownEyes

But the reason I like this picture is because of his big brown eyes! 🙂

Snack Time: Mara and Micah enjoying animal crackers


Micah scooting around the house on his drum.


Grass in the City!

My side of the family loves the out-of-doors, the wide-open spaces of the Midwest and the West. The grass. The trees. The fields.

My sister has this nagging fear that, growing up in the city, my kids won’t even know what grass looks like! So, every now and then, I like to take grass pictures, just to let her know we have some, and my kids are learning about it!

Here’s Micah learning about grass. I let him “walk” around the backyard in his baby walker. He loves playing out there! HappyAboutGrass2

Waving some grass. . . WavingGrass


More Grass, Aunt Mary!

I think these are some sort of grass weapons! GrassWeapons

Oops, dropped the grass! Can’t reach it, Mommy!  DroppedGrass

(I love his little tippy-toes in that shot!)

This one I would like to title “Eating Grass” or simply “Nebuchadnezzar.”EatingGrass

Finally, Micah triumphs over the grass! MicahTriumphOverGrass