The Potty Dance

We got a Huggies flyer in the mail, advertising the Potty Dance. Mara loves looking at the mail, and always asks me about the pictures in ads. She will say “Little girl doing this,” and mimic the exact stance of the child in the ad–down to facial expressions and tilt of the head! Of course, she was curious about the Huggies ad, and since we are close to potty training, I went online and let her watch it.

Wow. How they ever convinced this guy and a whole host of children and their parents to sing “The Potty Dance” is beyond me! I would seriously consider that a career-limiting move. Perhaps even a career-is-over-forever move.

But, that guy’s career aside, Mara loved it, and probably watched it a dozen times today. At least it gets her thinking about going potty. After watching the “dance,” she went a couple times today without my suggesting it, and then she would repeat the words from the dance, “Mara not need bipers [diapers] any more!”

I was amused by the whole thing, mostly imagining the Huggies staff working behind the scenes: writing the dance, choreographing it, editing it (wow, imagine the outtakes!!), parents bringing their children to try out for a part . . . yes, very amusing to me!

But the best part of this dance was how disturbed my husband was when he watched it. I guess you have to know my husband! LOL! He categorically forbid me to play it again when he was in the house!!! I’m just laughing at his overreaction. . .

On second thought . . .

the dance really was disturbing. . .