“Where’s Micah?”

I know the pic quality isn’t the best here (and please look past the pink designs on the stairs, which still need to be painted taupe to match the wall!). But this moment was too too funny!

Mara hid in Daddy’s shirt, which was hanging on the railing by the stairs.


Micah was just laughing hysterically. He could hardly contain himself. He tried to “hide” first by covering his head with his hands.

Then he “hid” in Daddy’s shirt too. And he found himself to be just as funny as Mara was!



Micah’s laugh is sooo contagious!ย  I was just dying laughing too–but I couldn’t help thinking as I looked at these pictures: how true to human nature!

My 1yo believes he is “hiding.” But the only thing Mom and Dad can’t see is his face.

My 2yo believes she is “hiding.” But we can clearly see her feet and identify her there behind the shirt.

As we grow older, we find more sophisticated ways to “hide” who we really are or wrong things we are doing. We believe we are “hiding.” . . .ย  But it’s really no different than little Micah, with his face in the shirt: we aren’t fooling our Heavenly Father, who sees everything we do and knows us intimately.

I just couldn’t help being struck by those thoughts as I looked at these pictures.

Stellar Posts Worth the Read

I read a number of blogs on a regular basis. On aย  week like this when I went three days without reading or writing any posts, there was a lot to catch up on!

Several posts I came across were dynamite! Stellar posts, worth your time!

So I wanted to share a few . . .

  • One of my old Worship/Youth Pastors is starting to “Read Through the New Testament in 90 Days” starting Monday. He’s encouraging others to join him. Since I’m woefully behind in my “read through the Bible this year” plan, I figured this will motivate me to at least finish the New Testament! And I’m encouraging others to join! He’s included the reading schedule in his post and he will be blogging about his reading as he goes.
  • World Magazine had an incredibly encouraging article entitled “The Next Thing.” Here’s an excerpt: “. . . the future is God’s, not mine; mine is only the present moment. I am fearful because I’m thinking I have to live the rest of my life. But I don’t. I only have to live the next five minutes. To me belongs obedience; to Him belongs outcomes.” [Emphasis added.] I really need to remember this concept at a time in life when I feel inadequate for the tasks before me and struggling to “keep up.”
  • On a much more mundane note, college football season has begun, and these dips (posted by Amy at The Finer’s Things) look really yummy! (Of the three posts I’m recommending, skip this one if you only have time for two. ๐Ÿ™‚ I wanted to include one post that was a little “lighter.”ย  . . . Although when you look at the ingredients in these dips, I’m not sure they can be classified as “light.” ๐Ÿ˜‰

More Birthday Surprises and Rainy Days

Ever since I became a mom, I have struggled to keep birthday gifts a secret. If I know Mara or Micah will like something, I’m just bursting with excitement–I can’t wait to see their faces when they discover their presents!

Well. I did it again.

Mara has been asking for an umbrella for probably months now. (“Umbrella” is the “u” word when we practice her letters and sounds.) And then there is Tyler, the 3-year-old boy down the street. Tyler has boots! So Mara has been asking for boots for weeks. She insists she will wear them next winter “when it snows.” (And she firmly believes, “It’s going to snow pretty soo-oon,” despite our objections.) So the “need” for boots is imminent!

Well, I was at the thrift store a few weeks back and found a Sponge Bob umbrella for 99 cents, and some size 7 pink boots for a couple bucks. Great birthday gifts! I thought. They didn’t last that long.

We had several days of rain last week, and I pulled the boots out and set them on our bed. “Go in Mommy’s room!” I urged her. “There is a present for you on the bed!”

She was delighted! We had to go straight outside, where she wanted to “go show Tyler” her new boots (unfortunately, Tyler wasn’t home). But as soon as she got outside (in the rain), she said, “I need an umbrella.” I should have seen that coming. So completely lacking self-control, I told her, “Mommy has another present for you!” and I brought out the umbrella too.

She was thrilled!


Over the next couple of rainy days, we had a couple of puddle-jumping outings–unfortunately, no pictures of the actual puddle-jumping: I had Micah and didn’t wanted to get my camera too wet.


Mara wore the boots all day–even in the house. The boots rubbed her skin raw, and the poor child ended up with a nice little scab on one of her legs!

But obviously, she enjoyed yet another birthday present! And so did I.

The Dangers of Cooking with a Little Guy Underfoot

I was making a pot roast one night this week, and was browning the meat in the kitchen. When I went back to the dining room table, where I had laid out the carrots, celery, potatoes, and onions, I found this little guy, making off with a carrot!


The camera was on the table and I just had to snap a picture! . . .

I guess he just pulled the carrot off the table and decided to see what it tasted like! Nothing is “out of reach” for him!

Blog Lapse . . .

Sooooo all three of my blog readers (you know who you are!!) have probably been wondering what has happened to me . . .

I’m really–desperately–trying to be consistent in posting, and I feel like I’m missing things all the time that I want to remember!!!

But this week, we’ve spent portions of four mornings somehow involved in car repairs (all minor, thankfully). I’ve had migraines (again) for two days. Micah is sick (just a low-grade fever, coughing, congestion). And I’m still feeling behind in housework, having a hard time justifying blogging when that would mean the laundry isn’t folded or theย  dinner isn’t ready. ๐Ÿ™‚

So hopefully with the holiday weekend, I will be able to catch up! ๐Ÿ˜‰ We shall see . . .

But I have a bunch of posts I want to write!! So I”m going to make a good effort!