My prescription for Progesterone shots (17P) arrived in the mail today, along with a bunch of needles and syringes.
Imagining my husband (who is not in the medical profession for a reason) administering these shots is a little, well, unnerving. Shots don’t bother me too much at the doctor’s office.
You know, with a trained professional.
When I try really hard to “think happy thoughts.”
But just imagine coaching someone the very first time they give a shot, and it’s in your rear end. That will be a new experience–for both of us! Thankfully our insurance company is sending someone to our house to train Daniel on giving the shots.
Oddly enough, I’m actually looking forward to getting the shots, because I’ve already noticed contractions beginning. And I’m only 19 weeks. So yes, bring on the needles!
When I called my insurance case manager today (I’ve been assigned a case manager, since my pregnancy is considered high risk), she said my file at the doctor’s office indicated I would start the 17p shots at week 20.
I was actually disappointed. You mean, I have to wait a week?
My contractions usually come at the end of the day–often around dinnertime, bathtime, or the kids’ bedtime. But I notice them every day now.
Carrying Micah up the stairs, bringing groceries from the car into the house, carrying laundry up from the basement, long walks outside, walking/standing for a long time (for instance, last Saturday’s 6-hour Goodwill/ consignment store shopping trip!). All those things cause me contractions. I’m really not doing anything excessive, just normal housework and child care kind of things. But it is amazing how many activities around the house require the use of your abs. And for some reason, those activities seem to bring on the contractions.
My contractions aren’t regular at all. And like my contractions with Micah, not painful, just tight. My uterus is still so small that they aren’t really even uncomfortable yet.
But it makes me a bit nervous. For Little Boo.
I talked to my Aunt Terrie a couple days ago. (Aunt Terrie knows a thing or two about pregnancy, having delivered eight children of her own and worked as a La Leche League consultant. When I told her I was starting to notice contractions already, she said, “Yessss, it starts earlier and earlier with every one.” Yay. I thought. So I am probably not physically capable of carrying eight children full-term, am I? (What a relief, right, Daniel???) He wants four children. I’m wondering if five would be all that bad. . . š
I find it helpful to rest when Iām experiencing contractions. They do go away. And that’s a good sign.
I’m also trying to drink tons of water. (Dehydration often contributes to preterm labor.) I’m trying not to walk too much, or be on my feet too long, & I try to ask for help lifting (despite the fact that I am the do-it-yourself kind of person that hates to ask for help).
All that to say:
Bring on the needles!
ok, first off i must say WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME? we could have stopped or gotten water or ANYTHING!!!!! becky, i am sorry to hear that the contractions have started already, but not sorry too b/c i know that god is in control (just like he always has been and always will be)!!! while you do need to do your part and REST and ASK FOR HELP, he is also doing his part!!!! (and fyi->that’s bigger and takes part whether you do yours or not)
i too am chanting with you…”bring on the needles”, and praying for this little one!!
i wanna come home and be “muscles” again.
So weird to hear you describe your pregnancy with contractions. I have had six children, my second came three months early. Since my first pregnancy my contractions start by the third month in, they are at times every five minutes all day, but some days not much. Every night they come constantly, one on top of another for hours. They are brought on by ANYTHING, and VERY hard and painful. They have been monitered and came up as hard labor contractions, but noone has ever done anything about it. I am so curious about your shots. I am rigt now 32 weeks along with baby number seven, and I am sure I’m going to have my water break all night every night, they are completely debilitating and horribly painful, like transition stages of labor, almost unbearable.
Why am I sharing this? I don’t even know! I am just so surprised to find someone who seems to have the same pregnancies I do! I have never been given anything to prevent these contractions, and no Dr. has ever sggested it. My babies do deliver within an hur or so of the onset of labor, due to my body being so prepared and ready!
Well, I’d love to hear from you! Just so glad to not be alone! I am a natura birth Doula, a childbirth educator and work with new Mamas on breast feeding, and have never met anyone with my “issues”.
Good luck to you on your newest “boo” (this is what we call our two year old!). Blessings~Erin
Erin, I’m so sorry you are having such a difficult time.
You are definitely not alone. I have two close friends (both bridesmaids in my wedding) in similar circumstances: one friend is due with her 3rd child the same week I am! and she has delivered a 32-weeker and a 37-weeker (while on progesterone). Another friend from my old church endured nearly constant contractions with both of her pregnancies, but carried them both full-term.
Your contractions are definitely more challenging than mine. I wouldn’t describe mine as painful–and only the harder ones are uncomfortable.
I am a little surprised your drs haven’t mentioned the progesterone shots, particularly since it sounds like the contractions are majorly interfering with your everyday life. (I’m guessing, with 6 children, bedrest is hardly an option!) It’s possible, if you have carried your most recent 4 babies to full-term, they may not consider it quite as risky.
I am only high risk because my last pregnancy ended at 32 weeks, and there was never an explanation (such as infection) to account for the premature delivery. So I guess time will tell if the shots help!
I wish you the best and let me know how you’re doing every now and then!