Doing “Fun Things” With Mommy on Bedrest

For Works for Me Wednesday, here are a few ideas from my current experience involving toddlers & bedrest (What a challenging combo, let me tell you!). I’ve listed some ideas that have worked with my three-year-old daughter–and a plea for help with my 19-month-old son! Please comment–for my sanity and his!

Having a three-year-old daughter with you when you’re on bedrest isn’t all that bad. (It’s the 19-month-old boy I struggle to keep entertained.)

My daughter is forever running into my bedroom, saying, “Mommy, can we do some fun things together?”

And by “fun things” she is referencing the stack of kids’ stuff next to my bed. In that stack I keep things Mara and I can do together while I lay in my bed. (Unfortunately, I have found nothing that Micah and I can do together to add to the stack.)

We have:

  • A feltboard: Aunt Darla gave Mara and Micah FeltTales Busy Day at the Farm Story Board for Christmas. This is a great toy for preschoolers! Mara calls it her “cardboard,” and every day she asks, “Can we play with the cardboard?” She pretends the kids are going apple picking; milking the cow (then feeding the cow its own milk out of the pail!); planting the garden; playing with the other farm animals . . . I think it would be a great “travel” toy too. We may bring it next summer when we drive to Florida for my sister’s wedding.
  • Candyland: I got this game at the thrift store for 99 cents, in great condition, and it was one of Mara’s Christmas presents too. She is just barely old enough to play this game. It took her awhile to understand that you have to take the top card off the pile (you can’t go through the pile and pick) and that your goal is getting to the Candy Castle–not drawing cards with candy on them, regardless of how far they set you back.
  • Memory: Another Christmas present Mara received, conveniently packaged as a hard plastic “book” that can be stored on a shelf. She does pretty well with this game. (I think all kids have to be reminded they can only turn over two cards on their turn, even if they suddenly remember where the match is.) I’m considering dividing the game in half until she’s a little older, because with 72 cards, the game takes a long time and she’s usually yawning halfway through. We have yet to complete an entire game.
  • Little Bear and Dress-up Clothes: She was given a little bear with three outfits: cheerleader, cowboy and angel. She loves dressing and undressing the bear, but she can’t do it all by herself, so it’s perfect for both of us sitting on the bed and whenever she needs help, I’m right there.
  • Bible Story Books: Mara considers it a special treat to read Bible stories and sing songs together. So I keep those by the bed too. We are flying through the book right now, because we have so much time for reading right now!
  • Charts: Mara practices ABCs (letters and sounds) every day. We usually do Bible stories and charts for the first 20 – 30 minutes of Micah’s nap; then Mara goes down for her nap too. She loves doing “charts.” One day I heard her say, “Daddy! Maybe today I can teach you charts!” and she did. He said she got almost all the letters right, except she sometimes mixes up “U,” “V,” and “W.” Daniel would tease her and say, “‘A’ says ‘Buh-Bear’,” and of course Mara would correct him with the right sounds. 🙂
  • Stickers/Coloring
  • Many, many other books: Reading is probably Mara’s favorite pastime!
  • Brain Quest for ages 2-3: I was given Deck 3 by a freecycler. I wish I had the next level (Brain Quest for Threes), because Mara whips right through this one, and I think she will get bored with it after a couple times through it. But she enjoys answering the questions and she has learned several things going through it. We use it as a springboard to discuss new concepts (like beavers, building a campfire, or different kinds of insects).
  • Girly Stuff: Once a day Mara gets a squirt of body spray (Bath & Body Works’ Black Raspberry Vanilla), and we lotion our hands and put on chapstick. Mara loves girly stuff!

In just a few short weeks (weeks, not days, right??) Mara’s little sister will be born, and we will not have nearly so much time to spend together. So when Mara says, “Can we do fun things together?” I treasure those times!

And if any readers have ideas of “fun things” a 19-month-old boy would enjoy doing while Mom’s on bedrest, I’m all ears! I would love to spend more one-on-one time with him too before this baby comes. 🙂

So, tonight, after I turned out Mara’s light, I said, “Nite-nite, sweetie. I had fun with you today.”

Mara said, “Thank you for playing CandyLand with me! It’s fun doing lots of things when you’re on bedrest.” 

That made my day.

6 thoughts on “Doing “Fun Things” With Mommy on Bedrest

  1. Christy says:

    I suggest keeping a bottle of bubbles by the bed. You can blow them & he can either chase them or catch them with a net/cup/bowl.

    You can also toss balls from the bed (beach ball, squishy ball) & have him go chase them.

    Hang in there!

  2. celina says:

    beads, or pasta that he can string on pipe cleaners

    bendaroos or wiki sticks, or even pipe cleaners that mom can make in to weird animals (unless you are talented…then nice animals)

    toy animals and turn the bed into dino land..or a farm…mom’s legs are the roads..etc..(or the forest if you’re legs look like mine in the summer)

    crocodile can play with BOTH kids…you take turns pushing in the teeth of the croc and it snaps..we just bought the travel version, cause its cheaper…lol…also pop up pirate works too, although we do when they pop we win, instead of the reverse….we played these when my kids were 1–3 and older…and actually all the teens at camp kept playing with

    paint nails…ok, maybe not for the boy..although my son loved it when i did blue or green, boy ..maybe if you are DESPERATE

    magnadoodle, my son loved it when we would draw for him…mostly he laughed at how bad i

    snack time..special snacks only served in momma’s

    PUPPETS…that would rock and the buck stores here are filled with them…

  3. Becky says:

    A mom friend who has a 4 year old son and is pregnant (on bedrest) with twins added these ideas on Facebook:
    ‘Ah yes, the never-ending task of keeping little boys busy while you are on bed rest. Let’s see, there’s legos…building and destroying what they’ve built of course and one of our favs is shooting army guys with dart guns, and there’s always PBS kids! =) Your job is much more difficult, though, cause he’s younger and into more stuff at that age.”

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