Last night I was getting ready for bed when I noticed the curtains around the air conditioner were sopping wet, and water was dripping down the sill into a tote in which I was packing away some winter sweaters and skirts.
I was quite irked that the curtains and some of the clothes (dry clean only) were wet, but I was thankful that I found it right away.
Of course, after I threw the clothes in the laundry and laid the curtains out to dry, I had to figure out what had gone wrong, so I pulled a towel that we keep under the air conditioner (to reduce the potential that bugs could crawl in). When I pulled that towel away from the air conditioner, feathers flew out at me! Not what I was expecting. Then some dried grass and a cellophane wrapper.
By now, you’re probably thinking what I was thinking: how in the world did a bird build her nest under there? But sure enough, it was there.
I was a little creeped out by the thought of these nasty city birds sleeping that close to me every night, without my noticing. And then I remembered several weeks back, telling Daniel, as we drifted off, that it sounded like the birds were right outside the window. He said, Well, they are–the tree is right there. And I said, No, I mean, it sounds like they are in our house!
Now I had to find out. I grabbed a hanger and scooted the nest out from under the air conditioner. I had to get Daniel to open the window–I was afraid the air conditioner would fall out the second-story window if I tried it.
Sad to say, it was a birds nest, and the baby birds didn’t make it. 🙁 Those who know me won’t be surprised I was pitying the baby birds. Although now that I look down on the floor next to my bed, I see another feather the vacuum missed . . . Every additional feather I find reduces my pity quotient.
Hold on, while I throw this feather in the trash . . .
So if you come over today, this explains why you’ll see curtains and my winter clothes spread around the living room to dry.
[In addition to the regular laundry that I’ve been attempting to fold.]