Be Careful Little Hearts

O be careful little eyes what you see. . . the voices on the CD rang out cheerily.

My three-year-old Carissa squealed, “I love this song!”

O be careful little eyes what you see. . .

“Why ‘be careful little eyes what you see’?” my six-year-old asked.

For the Father up above is looking down in love, so be careful little eyes what you see.

In an instant emotions welled up in my heart as I realized the innocence reflected in my daughter’s question:”Why ‘be careful little eyes what you see’?” How very quickly that innocence will be forever taken away!

But for the first time, I really heard this song. I didn’t have much use for it as a child. It seemed behavioristic: “Be good, kids. Don’t look at bad stuff. Don’t listen to bad stuff. Don’t go bad places. Don’t say bad things. . . God loves you!”
But now I’m the parent. I have seen bad stuff. I have heard bad stuff. I understand why it is so important to be careful where you go and what you say.

Now with a heart full of love, I’m watching these children who mean more to me than life itself and I’m imploring them. . . Be careful!

The last verse really gets to me now.

O be careful little hearts who you trust. . .

I can hardly listen to that verse without tears.

Our hearts are so deceptive. How often our hearts trust in the wrong people–or the wrong things! How I wish I could spare my children the pain of trusting in anything other than God!

And I realize it is so with our Heavenly Father.

Be careful, He whispers to our hearts. For the Father up above is looking down in love. . .O be careful little heart who you trust.

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