Memories of Mara

We went to Mercer’s Cafe the other day. We love Mercer’s! I will always remember it, especially, since it’s the place we went to celebrate on Sunday, November 18, 2007, the day we found out I was pregnant with Micah. It’s a great little local breakfast cafe, one we both enjoy! Daniel loves the coffee. I love the atmosphere.

This particular day was not special. Just wanted a good breakfast without having to cook, since our house is still in boxes and we have two small children.

We walked in–Mara, first, as a guy held the door for her. She was really booking it! She knew where she was going, and the guy holding the door gave her this look of surprise as she ran past him. We barely sat down, when a waitress walked by. Mara whirled around in her seat and shouted, “WAH-wah!” [water]

We looked at our 20-month-old daughter in amazement, and I said, “Mara, say ‘please’!”

I guess she always hears us order water from the waitress after we sit down, and she didn’t see any need to wait around!

Of course, she wanted to pray after we ordered our food and it didn’t come right away! She holds out both hands (we hold hands when we pray), then bows her head and says “Oy, oy, oy, oy” in a hushed tone.

Then she’s making friends with the cops that are sitting next to us, and the two older ladies behind us.? There’s not a shy bone in her body!

. . .

Tonight was so incredibly special. I don’t even think I can express it adequately. It was the first time Mara seemed to do something for something else, at her own expense.

The glider rocker is in Micah’s room, so before Mara goes to bed, I take her in Micah’s room to rock her and sing to her. Unfortunately, Micah cries (SCREAMS!) for several hours–usually right at Mara’s bedtime. So while I’m singing soft bedtime songs, Micah is screaming at the top of his lungs in the cradle next to us. Mara was tired. She was leaning on my chest, sucking her thumb. But after one or two songs, she sat straight up and said intently, “Min-uh! Min-uh!” [Micah! Micah!]

Then “THL-loor! THL-loor!” [Floor is one of her new favorite words, and this time she was asking to get down on the floor.]

So I let her get down and she stood by the cradle, saying, “Min-uh! Min-uh! Min-uh, nur!” [nurse] She was very intense, nodding her head and squinting her eyes, as if desperately hoping I would understand. She wanted to get down on the “thloor” so Micah could nurse. She knows that makes him quiet . . . My heart really melted, and I just looked at her for a couple of seconds. I couldn’t believe she was sacrificing her own time with me, for Micah! Then she started making the “fish” face, demonstrating “nursing,” in case I didn’t understand!

I picked up Micah, sat back down, and let him nurse, and that calmed him down right away.

“Min-uh! Min-uh! Nur!” She beamed a huge smile . . . I want to always remember.

Momentous Events

Last week was full of momentous events!

First of all, we are homeowners again! We bought a 3-bedroom rowhome. Before we move in, we are taking out the carpet, re-doing the hardwood floors, painting, installing a shower in the bathroom downstairs, installing a dishwasher, purchasing a washer and dryer . . . So we will be busy. But we are excited!

Mara and Micah will each have their own bedroom! There is a basement which can be used as a family room. A 3-foot pool in the backyard (which I want to keep for the kids–Daniel thinks I’m crazy and we will not have time for it.)

The living room is HUGE!! There is room for our couch, loveseat, coffee table, chair, the piano–WOW!! I was beginning to wonder if that was possible!! We love having a large living area because we love being able to have people over. God has left us here on earth to serve other people. Hopefully we will be able to have family over–and friends from church and soon friends from our block! We loved that about our old house in South Carolina, and as we purchase this home, we ask God to help us use this home to bring glory to His name through loving others and sharing it with them.

Second, Mara has discontinued her morning nap! This is monumental, because now Mommy has only the afternoon nap in which to accomplish anything requiring solitude! LOL!! Life has (once again) changed forever! It seems like the time was right, since she had begun crying every time I put her in the crib, and just laying there or playing in her crib during both her naps. The first day, I took Mara to Liberty Lands Park to let her play and keep her from getting too sleepy before lunch. The second day she & Daddy went to his parent’s house while I took Micah for his 2 month check-up with Dr. Kantor.

Which brings me to the 3rd momentous event: The pediatrician has taken Micah off the caffeine! After reading the monitor download results from Jefferson, the pediatrician confirmed that Micah has had no true apnea/brady episodes since coming home from the hospital over a month ago. Hopefully, coming off the caffeine will help Micah sleep better and also lessen his reflux issues. . . I truly hope this will help! He screams for hours every day and struggles to sleep like a normal baby. If all goes well, and the September download is perfect too, Micah can come off the monitor altogether in October! Coming off the monitor will mark the “end” of the whole preemie saga.? I for one can’t wait!

Well, after those three events of the week, there is not much more excitment to report! 🙂

Micah’s Due Date

Well, finally Micah’s due date has arrived. According to the doctors, he was due Thursday, July 24, and he had an appointment with the pediatrician, Dr. Kantor, that day. In addition to giving his 2nd hepatitis B shot, Dr. Kantor weighed and measured him. He is now a whopping 7 lbs., 2 ozs.! I think he has been eating very well! I was hoping he would weigh about 6-1/2 lbs., so I was very excited. He is also 19-1/2 inches long, 2-1/4 inches longer than he was at birth! What a growing boy!! Maybe that growth in length explains why he still doesn’t have much fat on his little bones. 🙂

The best news of the day is that Dr. Kantor thought it would be fine to take him out of the house at this point! So we went shopping. Micah’s first shopping trip with Mommy! We went to Franklin Mills, and he was a trooper! We found deals on kids’ clothes at Childrens’ Place and Carter’s, and then I got Daniel new jeans and khakis at Levi’s Strauss and Marshalls. Since I hadn’t eaten anything all day (except the coffee Daniel french-pressed for me in the morning), I stopped at Arby’s for dinner. They gave me the wrong sandwich, so once they corrected my order, I ended up getting the other sandwich (a market fresh ham n swiss) for free–Daniel’s lunch for tomorrow!! 🙂

Mara spent the day at the Jersey shore with Darla & Diane . . . and Jessica, Noel, Amanda, and another friend, plus Daniel’s Aunt Lorraine, Uncle Phil, and their five kids. So I guess she got a lot of attention. They said she didn’t really like the feeling of the sand between her toes, and they took her out to the waves, which she wasn’t terribly excited about. And once a cold wave hit her, that was all she wanted to see of the ocean. . . Maybe next time, we can build sandcastles together or something. . .

She was wiped out by 10:30 p.m. when they brought her home. She lay on the changing table, eyes drifting shut, calling out weakly, “Dadda? . . . Dadda? . . .”

My Number One Evangelistic Opportunity

This week I realized so keenly that I have the opportunity in my own home to tell someone about Jesus and His amazing love–to tell someone who has never ever heard!

Mara was sitting in her high chair eating crackers while I fixed dinner. She had her New Testament for Little Eyes book there on her tray. She loves to point to pictures and say, “‘Dis?” which (best I can decipher) means, “What’s this?” She was pointing at the picture on the cover.

“That’s Jesus,” I told her. She looked at me a little quizzically, as if trying to understand, and then looked back down at the picture for a minute.

After a little thought, she pointed at the children. “‘Dis?” she asked again.

“Those are children, sitting on Jesus’ lap,” I explained. “Jesus loves children.–Did you know Jesus loves you too?”

Her finger was still on the picture, and she looked up, trying so hard to understand. Then it hit me. She doesn’t know! She’s never heard! But I get the blessing, the awesome privilege, the incredible opportunity, the wonderful responsibility to tell her!!!!!

I’ve always known that in my mind. I’ve prayed for her to know God, since before we ever found out I was pregnant with her. But this week, the reality of this truth really hit home to me, in a way I wasn’t prepared for. Pray for me, that I would be a consistent testimony in my life and words, and pray with me that little Mara would know God and give her life for Him!

The Simple Things in Life . . .

As one who tends to be task-oriented or focused on goals, rather than enjoying what life brings each moment, I have purposed to spend a little time each day purely enjoying the simple things of life with Mara. Over the past two days I have had a sinus-related migraine (which meant neither Mara nor I left the house or did anything fun INside the house). My headache broke this afternoon, so we were both ready for a change of pace!
When Mara woke up from her nap, I told her we could put on her shoes and coat and go to Dunkin Donuts. I don’t think she knows what Dunkin Donuts is yet, but she was excited to “go” somewhere and stood pounding on the front door.
While I was setting up the stroller outside, some of the neighbor kids came over to see Mara. The girls each had balloons left over from a birthday party earlier this week, and Kimmy, seeing that Mara was excitedly reaching toward the purple one, handed hers to Mara. I wish Mara could say “Thank you!” because that was really sweet. It made her day!
As I pushed the stroller down the street, Mara was holding the purple balloon in one hand, and waving at passers-by with the other! I looked down and saw a huge smile on Mara’s face. Wow, there’s something about the excitement of a child and the newness of everything in life that is so refreshing!
It was kind of chilly out, so I was glad that Dunkin Donuts is only a few blocks away. The warmth inside felt good. Mara sat on my lap at one of the tables, and we split a blueberry cake donut. I think she was more excited about all the shiny, sparkling hearts and Valentines decorations hanging from the ceiling than she was about the donut! The entire time we were there, she pointed at the decorations, jabbering. So I told her about hearts and Valentines Day. . . Daniel can correct her later . . . ha ha!
On the way back, Mara “dropped” her balloon several times. The brisk breeze blew it in the opposite direction, and she laughed as I spun the stroller around and ran after her balloon. She would clap when we came near it. One time, another man walking nearby caught the balloon and brought it back for us. After the fourth time, I began to suspect that she was “dropping” it on purpose–to laugh at Mommy running after it!
Once home, she ate dinner. After dinner I made a cup of hot chocolate to share, and we sat down together on the sofa to enjoy it. I brought a spoon to give Mara her “tastes.” Every time I dipped the spoon in the mug, I would hear an anticipatory sip from Mara as she eagerly watched the spoon approach her mouth. Everything seems so delightful to a 13-month-old! Somehow, she makes life that much more fun for this 31-year-old!
After quite a bit of play with her purple balloon (including Verona pawing at it and trying to pick it up in her mouth–and McCheyne jumping against it as Mara carried it across the floor), Mara fell on top of it, and of course, the balloon popped. This was her first experience popping a balloon, so I didn’t know what to expect. Her response surprised me. She looked a little surprised–sort of like “Hm?! Where’d it go?” and then began crawling around to pick up the pieces! She brought them to me–it was just “trash” to her now . . .
We played her FAVORITE game. . . where mommy chases Mara and growls! She runs into a corner and hides, giggling and shrieking the closer I get, then collapsing on the floor when I tickle her.
Of course, after this game, she is completely wound up! So when I try to rock her to sleep and softly sing to her, her dancing blue eyes meet mine as she leans forward to “kiss” my cheek. (Now, “kissing” in Mara’s mind means opening her mouth WIDE and placing it on the other person’s face, usually with baby drool attaching itself to them.) But I can’t help laughing. The more I laugh, the more she “kisses” me laughing . . . But we need to pray and go “night-night.”
Thank you, God, for healing from that headache. Thank you, God, that Kimmy shared her balloon. Thank you for blueberry cake donuts and shiny, sparkling Valentine hearts.
Her thumb is in her mouth, and she’s drifting off now.
Thank you for mugs of hot chocolate. For a giggling little girl with dancing blue eyes. For good-night “kisses.”
I wouldn’t trade them for all the accomplishments in the world!