A Big Boy Bed

Micah’s crib days are now over.

It was definitely time to make the switch to a big boy bed! We just didn’t have one. But some friends loaned us theirs since they aren’t currently using it (Thanks so much, Melissa!), and if I understand correctly, this used to be the “big boy bed” of another friend (right, Kristy?). So this bed has served several little boys now!

For quite a few months now, Micah has been able to climb in and out of his crib. Since we didn’t have a toddler bed to move him up to, we decided to lower the crib’s side rail in order to minimize falls. We still fought the “stay-in-bed-during-naps-and-at-nighttime” battles. I figured that it would actually be easier to fight those battles in the familiar crib than to fight them in a brand-new setting, like a toddler bed.

Well, he loves his new bed! For some reason, he feels the need to “climb” into his bed every night–he climbs over the footboard and falls into the bed! (Silly boy!)

And what is it that compels every child to jump on their bed?!?!

I had it all neatly made–of course, that didn’t last! Micah took the quilt and began running wildly around the room with it on his head.

So now that he has a “big boy bed,” he got a lesson in “bed-making” too. . .

Two kids out of cribs now! (Hooray!!!!)

Where does the time go?

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