Micah recently decided that he was never going to get married, after he learned that you can’t marry any of the only girls he had picked out: mother, sisters or cousins.
“What about Hannah?” Mara had asked. “You could marry Hannah.”

So Micah had brightened. “Huh! That’s a good idea! I never thought of that! I should marry Hannah!”
This week in co-op, he found a spot next to Hannah in gym. Then in math he found a seat next to her again.
“I’m sitting by Hannah!” he hissed across the room to me. I wondered whether he remembered the conversation he’d had with Mara earlier. Of course, he did.
At snacktime, he opened his Angry Birds Cheese Nips and slid several over to Hannah. “These are for you,” he said with a smile.
Hannah hardly noticed, but across the table, Maggie did. “Ooo, if I give you two of these, will you give me one of those?” Micah traded one Angry Birds Cheese Nip for two bites of homemade oatmeal cookies with Hershey’s Kisses. They both thought they had traded up.
Hannah ate Micah’s Cheese Nips, while Maggie continued to barter for more with pieces of oatmeal cookies. Micah gave Hannah more until one of the other moms said, “Now she has more than he does.”

Lucky for me, I help in his class so I got to observe the whole thing. My five-year-old’s first proposal: to a girl at co-op on his sister’s recommendation.
Micah looked across the room at me and smiled, “Mom–I just love Hannah!”
Micah looked across the room at me and smiled, “Mom–I just love Hannah!”
On the way home in the van, Micah re-told the story.
“And what did she say?!” Mara asked on the edge of her seat.
“She said….. ‘REALLY?!?!'” Micah replied with all the energy that Hannah’s little voice always carries.
Mara had to ask: “Was it ‘really?!’ like excited really or like. . . really? really?”
The fun is only beginning. . . I thought. Imagine what these conversations will be like in ten years. . . or twenty. . .
Probably not like this. Ha ha!
Probably not like this. Ha ha!
So Sweet! Our youngest daughter has a little crush on a guy in her kindergarten class. “He’s just SO cute, Mom!! And did I mention that his dad is an eye doctor so I’ll always get FREE glasses?” LOL At least she’s thinking practically.
Oh, Becky, the emotion of the little tender hearts!
Well, wait till he learns that he has to be able to support his wife & family. 🙂